File choose dialog - can the location be set or remembered ?

Last post 12-21-2012, 7:48 AM by Kenneth. 1 replies.
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  •  12-20-2012, 5:09 PM 75510

    File choose dialog - can the location be set or remembered ?

    My users of the Ajaxupload control do many uploads per day. Any way the file-choose dialog can "remember" their favourite location, or I can set that somehow (if I saved it in the system somewhere) ?


    I think most would be using the Silverlight version as far as I'm aware.



  •  12-21-2012, 7:48 AM 75515 in reply to 75510

    Re: File choose dialog - can the location be set or remembered ?

    Hi pjs75,


    For now has not the property to set this. By default, the windows system will remember the last location you uploaded. but this is the system function.





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