Cut and paste issues with Safari on the Mac (CuteEditor 6.6)

Last post 04-03-2012, 10:06 AM by Kenneth. 1 replies.
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  •  04-03-2012, 8:03 AM 73598

    Cut and paste issues with Safari on the Mac (CuteEditor 6.6)

    One of my users is complaining about erratic behaviour on Safari on the Mac.
    Their report is:
    - When entering text manually, pressing enter creates <p> tags; after cut-and-pasting from an external textpad document, any further editing reverts to <div /> tags after pressing enter.
    - When copying plain text into the editor, apple-specific tags are being inserted <p style="line-height: normal"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; ">
    Is there a work-around for this?
    Thanks in advance,
  •  04-03-2012, 10:06 AM 73600 in reply to 73598

    Re: Cut and paste issues with Safari on the Mac (CuteEditor 6.6)

    Hi Dunc_NZ,
    1. The external document like "notepad", they has not the <p> target, when you copy the content from editor and paste into these external document, the <p> target has been removed. So editor will parses the line break as <div>.  
    2. The paste content is based on your browser copy/paste function. Editor will parse the content from your browser. If the original content has style, then editor will use it too.
    If you do not want it paste include any style setting, please try setting EditorOnPaste="PastePureText" 
     <CE:Editor ID="editor1" runat="server" EditorOnPaste="PastePureText">
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