How can I adjust the color of 'Words:0 Characters:0' area?

Last post 12-12-2011, 4:22 PM by davideo7. 3 replies.
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  •  06-28-2011, 3:31 PM 68224

    How can I adjust the color of 'Words:0 Characters:0' area?

    Some reason in my editor, the 'Words:0 Characters:0' text is white which makes it impossible to read on top of my editors background, how can I change the color of that text?
  •  06-29-2011, 2:27 AM 68240 in reply to 68224

    Re: How can I adjust the color of 'Words:0 Characters:0' area?

    Hi davideo7,
    1. Open file "\cuteeditor_files\Themes\Office2007\style.php"
    2. Find section below
    <?php   echo $editorid; ?> .CuteEditorBottomBarContainer {padding:2px;height:1px;overflow-y:visible;}
    3. Change to. The red part is the back ground color of the bottom bar.
     <?php   echo $editorid; ?> .CuteEditorBottomBarContainer {padding:2px;height:1px;overflow-y:visible;background-color:#d7e3f2;}
    If you using other theme, please change the locatioin to theat theme folder.
  •  12-12-2011, 4:03 PM 71968 in reply to 68224

    Re: How can I adjust the color of 'Words:0 Characters:0' area?

    Thanks, I'll give it a shot.
  •  12-12-2011, 4:22 PM 71969 in reply to 71968

    Re: How can I adjust the color of 'Words:0 Characters:0' area?

    Ok I fixed it and here's how:
    in the style.php file, I modified these 3:
     WordCount, WordSpliter and CharCount by adding color:black; to them.
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