I am having an issue with live support client application. I have had no trouble in getting the system to work if I set all operators as admin users. However, when I set an operator to non-admin, I get the following error...
Failed to connect to chat service:
System.Exception: CONNECTION:ERROR, Require Agent
at LiveSupport.ChatClient.Connect(Boolean now)
at LiveSupport.MyApp.Run()
I am running everything locally, i.e. the site is in development mode locally, the database is local and the client runs locally all on a MS Windows 7 machine.
I have written the following provider to eliminate any problems in my original code. The problem still exists with this provider though.
public override string GetConnectionString()
return System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString1"].ConnectionString;
public override AppChatIdentity GetLogonIdentity()
HttpContext oContext = HttpContext.Current;
return new AppChatIdentity("testuser1", false, ToUserId("testuser1"), oContext.Request.UserHostAddress);
public override string FindUserLoginName(string sFullName)
return "testuser1";
public override bool GetUserInfo(string sUsername, ref string sFullName, ref bool bIsAdmin)
sUsername = "testuser1";
sFullName = "Test User 1";
bIsAdmin = false;
return true;
public override bool ValidateUser(string sUsername, string sPassword)
return true;
The first time I try to connect I get the error. If I then change the line bIsAdmin = false to true, then run the operator connects and the application runs with admin privileges. If, I then change the code back to bIsAdmin = false, and log in to the operator client again, the user can then log in as a non-admin operator.
Please could anyone advise me on this?
Thank you.