Reg. Insert Media

Last post 10-17-2011, 7:26 AM by Kenneth. 8 replies.
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  •  10-08-2011, 4:50 AM 70320

    Reg. Insert Media

    Hi sir,
    I have 2 doubts:
    Using the cute editor i need to attach a video file, so i used "Insert Media"  and sending that content to my gmail. But not able to view that video file in any mails(gmail,yahoo..etc.,) because the it is having embed code. Is there any options to play the video? or any other alternate solution?
    Pls refer the attached screen-shot(insertmedipage.jpg) , i need to add a path before the url in the text box where to add the text. For ex.: when i select a video the path comes in the text box like "/uploads/Users/John/Lesson2.wmv" but i need to add before the url in the text box "". How to add that?
    Pls reply me ASAP.
  •  10-10-2011, 4:28 PM 70334 in reply to 70320

    Re: Reg. Insert Media

    Hi rajmohanp ,
    #1 it depends on your mail server provider, Editor only use for editor the content and provide the html source code, the video code in it is the standard html code.
    #2  Please set property URLType="absolute"
       <CE:Editor ID="editor1" runat="server" URLType="absolute">
  •  10-12-2011, 12:27 AM 70351 in reply to 70334

    Re: Reg. Insert Media

    Hi Kenneth ,
    Thanks for the reply.
    Reg. #1 - Actually am asking Is it possible to play the video in email using the cute editor "Insert Media" button.
  •  10-12-2011, 1:10 AM 70352 in reply to 70320


  •  10-12-2011, 7:01 AM 70354 in reply to 70351

    Re: Reg. Insert Media

    Hi rajmohanp ,
    Still not very clear what you mean.
    The "Insert Media" button use insert the media into the editor content. you want to play the video in the editor Normal view or in the "insert Media" dialog?
    Maybe you can tell me how you use CutEditor in your email?
  •  10-12-2011, 9:56 AM 70362 in reply to 70354

    Re: Reg. Insert Media

    Hi Ken,
    Using the cute editor "insert media", inserted a video and typed some content. When view the content in email(i just copied the code and send to the mail) it is displaying correctly, but the video not playing in the email.
  •  10-13-2011, 7:52 AM 70374 in reply to 70362

    Re: Reg. Insert Media

    Hi rajmohanp,
    As I said, editor use to generate the standard html content, it can not control other software how to use this html control.
    You send the content as a mail, then your mail software(outlook/browser) how to disply the content, it is the feature of the software, editor can not control it.
  •  10-17-2011, 3:29 AM 70410 in reply to 70374

    Re: Reg. Insert Media

    Okay, thanks for the quick feedback, Kenneth.
    1 More issue,
    The uploaded video in Insert Video page NOT playing in Mozila firefox.(When we select the check box(video) left side in the insert media page, right side the selected video will display. But for me the video not playing in firefox but in IE working correctly) Can u tell me what are the possibilities to check or pages need to check?
    P. Rajmohan
  •  10-17-2011, 7:26 AM 70417 in reply to 70410

    Re: Reg. Insert Media

    Hi rajmohanp,
    It works fine for me. If the browser ask the permission to allow the windows media player to play the video, click yes please.
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