Web Messenger behavior

Last post 07-28-2011, 12:10 AM by nick2006. 4 replies.
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  •  06-29-2011, 6:15 AM 68247

    Web Messenger behavior

    I have two questions about web messenger:
    Question 1:
    I have two users that login to my website. User 2 doesn't get notify if user 1 send him/her instant message unless user 2 has his/her web messenger opened. How do I change this behavior so user2 is notify even when he/she doesn't have web messenger open. If opening web messenger is a must, is there a way to position it on the task bar similar to the way facebook does their web messenger?
    Question 2:
    Why is it that I sometimes get notify that I have send myself a message when I try to start an IM conversation with another person?
  •  06-29-2011, 8:57 PM 68267 in reply to 68247

    Re: Web Messenger behavior

    Hi nick2006,
    Pleaes add the code below into your page. When the user get a message, the CuteMessenger will send you a popup box to prompts your even you have not open CuteMessenger.
    <script src="CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/IntegrationUtility.js.aspx?Chat_StartPartialMessenger=1"></script>
    Is your site onlne? If so, can you send me two test accounts and shows me the steps to reproduce this issue? I will check it and get back to you as soon as possible.
    My emial: Kenneth@CuteSoft.net
  •  06-30-2011, 9:25 AM 68282 in reply to 68267

    Re: Web Messenger behavior

    Thanks ken for the feedback. I'll implement and test your answer to my first question. I'll touch base with you on the second question after I put the site online. The site is still under development and should be online soon. Thanks!
  •  07-26-2011, 10:21 AM 68882 in reply to 68282

    Re: Web Messenger behavior

    Hi Ken, your answer to my first question works. I sent you an email with steps to reproduce the second issue. Thanks!
  •  07-28-2011, 12:10 AM 68938 in reply to 68882

    Re: Web Messenger behavior

    Correction to second question:
    Why is it that when I try to initiate a conversation with another person, I get a popup message saying that the person has sent me a message?
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