Content pasted from WORD with certain information doesn't paste properly

Last post 06-23-2011, 8:47 AM by wzs5011. 7 replies.
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  •  06-13-2011, 4:29 PM 67936

    Content pasted from WORD with certain information doesn't paste properly

    Copy and pasting from WORD to FF (opera, and safari) presents issues
    I experience different problems with this on my installed version 6.6 of cuteeditor than with the example site at
    This code (I had to html encode the gt and lt signs):

    1) Paste in NORMAL mode, toggle to HTML mode, back to NORMAL mode
    2) Paste in HTML Mode, Toggle back to Normal Mode

    Something's loopy here, even as I play around editing this message using the cuteeditor
    toggling between html and normal breaks the example site (javascript error)
    I also see a 0x2b on my own installation.
  •  06-14-2011, 1:04 AM 67942 in reply to 67936

    Re: Content pasted from WORD with certain information doesn't paste properly

    Hi wzs5011,
    What version of Firefox you are using? Can you download the latest version of editor and try again?
    Latest version downloads
    Can you create a simple example like below and send me the test page url? I will check it and get back to you as soon as possible.
    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>

    <%@ Register Assembly="CuteEditor" Namespace="CuteEditor" TagPrefix="CE" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <CE:Editor ID="editor1" runat="server">
  •  06-14-2011, 9:12 AM 67953 in reply to 67942

    Re: Content pasted from WORD with certain information doesn't paste properly

    Ken -
    I am using the latest version of the cuteeditor (
    I am using FF 4.0.1.
    We are trying to upgrade the cuteeditor to resolve numerous issues (we have been at 6.2 for some time), and I am unable to provide you with a test url with which to test.
    The problem is partially demonstrable using the cutesoft example site, and the instructions I've provided.
    Please let me know if you need more information from me.
  •  06-15-2011, 10:11 PM 67985 in reply to 67953

    Re: Content pasted from WORD with certain information doesn't paste properly

    Hi wzs5011,
    I tested with different version word document (office 2003/2007), but I can not reproduce this issue.
    Can you send your test word document to So I can test it directly.
  •  06-16-2011, 8:24 AM 67998 in reply to 67985

    Re: Content pasted from WORD with certain information doesn't paste properly

    I've distilled the issue down to the comments outlined above. This problem is demonstrable using the code snipped I provided in my original question - all you need to do is copy and paste that string.
  •  06-16-2011, 8:01 PM 68006 in reply to 67998

    • david48 is not online. Last active: 06-16-2011, 8:02 PM david48
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    Re: Content pasted from WORD with certain information doesn't paste properly

    I have the same problem also,  I've done all of it and still nothing happens.  Hope there will be an answer to this kind of problem.  Please keep us posted if there's a solution to this.  Thank you guys.
    water damage Chicago IL
  •  06-17-2011, 1:09 AM 68011 in reply to 68006

    Re: Content pasted from WORD with certain information doesn't paste properly

    Dear Customer,
    We will fix this issue at next week. Sorry for your inconvenience.
  •  06-23-2011, 8:47 AM 68118 in reply to 68011

    Re: Content pasted from WORD with certain information doesn't paste properly

    Has this fix been released?  I'm looking at the demo site, and it appears fixed, but the download appears to be have the same May 7 publish date as it did when I downloaded the 6.6 release.
    EDIT - doesn't look fixed - I can still reproduce the issue on the example site by opening firebug ("Too Much Recursion")
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