Load a different version of common.config dynamically?

Last post 05-23-2011, 7:25 PM by cosmonaut. 4 replies.
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  •  05-19-2011, 12:33 PM 67624

    Load a different version of common.config dynamically?

    I have a custom dropdown in common.config. In most cases, I want all items to appear in this dropdown, but sometimes I want a different list of items.
    Is there a way to load a different config file when I want to?
    Much like ConfigurationPath, but for common.config instead? 
  •  05-19-2011, 6:36 PM 67629 in reply to 67624

    Re: Load a different version of common.config dynamically?

    Good question.
    I would like to see an option to send custom XML to override the file so on-the-fly configs could be built and sent, rather than create 4,297 config files for toolbars also.  
  •  05-20-2011, 5:49 PM 67641 in reply to 67629

    Re: Load a different version of common.config dynamically?

    so is there a way to override @ runtime?
    in common.config:
       <item text="abc" value="123"></item>
       <item text="def" value="456"></item>
       <item text="ghi" value="789"></item>
    then override in the editor page: 
    $editor->showCustomDropDownItems = "abc,ghi";
  •  05-21-2011, 10:26 AM 67648 in reply to 67641

    Re: Load a different version of common.config dynamically?

    It would have to be either:
    $editor->showCustomDropDownItems = "abc=123,ghi=789";
    or XML
    $editor->showCustomDropDownItems = '<item text="abc" value="123"></item><item text="ghi" value="789"></item>';
  •  05-23-2011, 7:25 PM 67667 in reply to 67648

    Re: Load a different version of common.config dynamically?

    thanks jmarcv,
    i was quickly going off of existing (non-custom) examples that already exist in Common.config with (i think) the ability to declare which one(s) appear, but you are likely correct... really if any method would work I'd be quite happy!
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