Upload button is static in IE 9

Last post 05-18-2011, 8:09 AM by lwb1962. 3 replies.
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  •  05-13-2011, 8:04 AM 67563

    Upload button is static in IE 9

    I have searched through the forum before posting this but could not find anything relevant to IE 9. The upload buttons in Image gallery, Files, Media and Flash are static (not clickable). However I do not see this behavior on the demo so that tells me it is specific to my version of CE which is - but it doesn't occur with other browsers (or IE 8) and it doesn't make any difference if compatibility view is enabled in IE 9.
    My question: is there a file that I can modify or replace to get around this issue until I can upgrade to the latest version?
  •  05-13-2011, 1:32 PM 67568 in reply to 67563

    Re: Upload button is static in IE 9

    Hmmm...interesting...just right-clicked on the actual UPLOAD button and a Silverlight tag comes up! This control is built with Silverlight but IE 9 has a problem with it? That's Micosoft BS for you!
     I have also tried adding <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"> but that doesn't help either - which I don't fully understand cause that usually provides a workaround for IE 9 issues and this control works in IE 8.
  •  05-16-2011, 12:22 AM 67579 in reply to 67568

    Re: Upload button is static in IE 9

    Hi lwb1962,
    If you do not want to upgrade to the latest version. Please try set the upload type to IFrame.
    1. Open file "CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Dialogs\InsertGallery.aspx"
    2. Find section below
        <ce:uploader id="myuploadFile" runat="server"></ce:uploader>
    3. Change it to
        <ce:uploader id="myuploadFile" runat="server" UploadType="IFrame"></ce:uploader>
    4. This setting change is the "Insert Gallery" dialog.
  •  05-18-2011, 8:09 AM 67608 in reply to 67579

    Re: Upload button is static in IE 9

    GREAT! Thanks for the temp fix!
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