Font List behavior inconsistant

Last post 05-29-2011, 12:57 PM by jenny33. 3 replies.
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  •  05-12-2011, 7:59 PM 67556

    Font List behavior inconsistant

    Using the XML to configure the font list, the fonts are left aligned and are rendered.
    When using the 
    property, the font names are in plain text and centered.
    Is there a way to get 
    FontFacesList to work like the XML?  I need to dynamically specify fonts
    FYI - 
    FontFacesList is not in the Docs under Class Reference
  •  05-13-2011, 11:23 AM 67565 in reply to 67556

    Re: Font List behavior inconsistant

    Dear jmarcv,
    Please refer to the following snippet:
                    $editor=new CuteEditor();
    Thank you for asking
  •  05-13-2011, 3:34 PM 67569 in reply to 67565

    Re: Font List behavior inconsistant

    Thanks Eric, but I already saw that. Please refer to my original post where I say that I am already using that, but it is centered unformated text in the drop down, where I would LIKE to have it look like it does using the XML in the config file.
    Also, where is the best place to post  ' feature' suggestions?
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