Dear nrsharma,
The display name of operator and website visitors is generated from the following method:
public static bool GetUserInfo(string loginName,ref string nickName,ref string password,ref bool isAdmin)
In this method, you can find code "nickName=table["NickName"].ToString(); "
"nickName" is the display name of operator and website visitors.
Both operator client and website visitor page will call this method and return the display name. You can set this and let it be equal to firstname+lastname.
You can follow the following steps to verify this:
1. Open "SampleUsers" and create 3 more users
username: user1,user2,user3
nickname:eric user1,eric user2,eric user3
2. Login to operator client as "user1"
3. Open IE and login to your website as "user2"
4. You will find the display name of these two users will be "eric user1" and "eric user2".
Thank you for asking