Move Cute Editor Toolbars Outside of the editor?

Last post 02-09-2011, 8:55 AM by Eric. 2 replies.
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  •  02-08-2011, 6:30 AM 66111

    Move Cute Editor Toolbars Outside of the editor?

    dont know if this is possible or not
    but i was wondering if i could move a toolbar out of the editor and still have it work on the editors instance?
  •  02-09-2011, 7:59 AM 66133 in reply to 66111

    Re: Move Cute Editor Toolbars Outside of the editor?

    we found what we were after using the java API
    here is an example
    function PrintEditor(button) {
            var editor1 = document.getElementById('<%=Editor1.ClientID%>');
            editor1.ExecCommand('print', false, 'print');
  •  02-09-2011, 8:55 AM 66137 in reply to 66133

    Re: Move Cute Editor Toolbars Outside of the editor?

    Dear AWilderbeast,
    You can set UseFloatToolbar to true.
    Please refer to

        <CE:Editor id="Editor1" UseFloatToolbar="true" AutoConfigure="Simple" Height="200" ThemeType="OfficeXP" ShowBottomBar="false" EditorWysiwygModeCss="example.css" runat="server" ></CE:Editor>
    Thank you for asking
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