setting max dimensions on images?

Last post 03-26-2010, 11:15 AM by BassTrails. 3 replies.
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  •  03-24-2010, 9:12 PM 59631

    setting max dimensions on images?

    Really sorry if I missed something, because this seems like it almost has to be an editable function but, is there a way to set max width and height on image uploads?  I'm not seeing it in the config files in security directory, where I expected to find it near <security name="MaxImageSize">300</security>
  •  03-25-2010, 8:03 AM 59648 in reply to 59631

    Re: setting max dimensions on images?

    Dear bassTrails,
    The resize image feature is only available in the .NET version.
  •  03-25-2010, 6:49 PM 59661 in reply to 59648

    Re: setting max dimensions on images?

    Is there any reason why GetImageSize() shouldn't, or couldn't be used?  Just wondering if anyone has built a little mod for thier app to check for limits set for max width and height.
    If someone adds an image and it's bigger than the table on my page it's going into, it's blowing my page formatting all outta whack.
  •  03-26-2010, 11:15 AM 59674 in reply to 59661

    Re: setting max dimensions on images?

    Maybe just educating my users to shrink it inside the editor is a quick solution to my problem.
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