RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

Last post 01-25-2010, 10:25 AM by disler. 10 replies.
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  •  01-13-2010, 5:39 AM 58137

    RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

    I have tryed to install the PHPFileUploader. But I don't know why, but it doesn't work...


    Has anybody an idea? do i have to set folder permissons?
    Regards, disler
  •  01-13-2010, 7:29 AM 58139 in reply to 58137

    Re: RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

    For security reason, that property must be setted.
    Otherwise the user can upload an php file and run hack code at server side.
  •  01-13-2010, 7:34 AM 58140 in reply to 58139

    Re: RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

    how can i set this property?
  •  01-13-2010, 10:59 AM 58146 in reply to 58140

    Re: RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

    ok, the error msg is away. but know nothing happens, when i press the button... what could be wrong?
  •  01-13-2010, 2:58 PM 58149 in reply to 58146

    Re: RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

    Dear disler,
    Open with IE, at left-bottom corner, you can find javascript error. please post your code here.
  •  01-14-2010, 12:45 AM 58155 in reply to 58149

    Re: RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

    Dear disler,
    Open with IE, at left-bottom corner, you can find javascript error. please post your code here.
    Hi Eric

    My IE doesn't show me any JS-Error.

    //error_reproting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);

    require_once "phpuploader/include_phpuploader.php";

             <form id="form1" method="POST" ENCTYPE = "multipart/form-data"> <?php
                      $uploader=new PhpUploader();     

    Regards, disler
  •  01-14-2010, 8:50 AM 58162 in reply to 58137

    Re: RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

    the server code calculated a wrong path ,
    please open include_phpuploader.php  , find this line ,
    and check what the $cd is .
    To solve your problem , you can change it to this
  •  01-15-2010, 1:31 AM 58180 in reply to 58162

    Re: RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

    thanks for your reply

    No i can choose the file, but now there is coming an error message....

    Unknown result :

    What do i have to do next? Any idea?

    thanks and regards, disler
  •  01-15-2010, 1:37 AM 58181 in reply to 58180

    Re: RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

    solution found... :D

    thanks for your help

    regards from switzerland
    EDIT: One last question: Am I allowd to change the scource Code for my script? Because i have to upload it in different folders.
  •  01-15-2010, 3:21 PM 58204 in reply to 58181

    RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

    Dear disler,
    Most aspx files are clear source code, you can modify them and control the look and feel. you can also refer to the development document which can be found in .
    The Source code license includes the full C#, ASPX and Java Script code of the control. It includes all of the benefits of the Enterprise license and Redistributable license and is best for companies that plan to modify the control or simply wish to have access to the code for security reasons.
    License information can be found in
  •  01-25-2010, 10:25 AM 58340 in reply to 58204

    Re: RE: Problem: When using SaveDirectory property, you must specify AllowedFileExtensions for security purpose.

    Thanks for the information Eric.

    Could you tell me, where i have to move this code
    header("Location: test.php");
    to forward after all files where moved up to test.php?

    Regards Disler
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