hooked this up and then it suddenly stopped working

Last post 01-03-2010, 7:04 PM by joyce121187. 6 replies.
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  •  11-28-2009, 7:31 PM 57476

    hooked this up and then it suddenly stopped working

    is there a limited number of executions?
    before paying for license?
  •  11-30-2009, 7:25 AM 57493 in reply to 57476

    Re: hooked this up and then it suddenly stopped working

    also this works then it doesn't work
    it looks like it works but no files show up on the server with no error messages
  •  11-30-2009, 2:55 PM 57507 in reply to 57476

    Re: hooked this up and then it suddenly stopped working

    is there a limited number of executions?
    before paying for license?
    No. The free trial version has full functions.

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  •  11-30-2009, 2:57 PM 57508 in reply to 57493

    Re: hooked this up and then it suddenly stopped working

    also this works then it doesn't work
    it looks like it works but no files show up on the server with no error messages
    What do you mean it doesn't work? Can you post detailed information?
    Do you have an online demo so we can try it out?

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  •  12-28-2009, 1:29 AM 57942 in reply to 57508

    Re: hooked this up and then it suddenly stopped working

    i have the same issue i don't know if this is what he/she is experiencing.
    It is working them sometimes not.. sometimes it prompts me an error then sometimes continues. Sometimes it also allows me to choose multiple files then will not allow sometimes. What could be the problem in here? Please see below for my deployment codes. 
    <?php require_once "phpuploader/include_phpuploader.php" ?>   
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">   
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">   
        <title>Demo 1 - use SaveDirectory property</title>   
            $uploader=new PhpUploader();   
            $uploader->InsertText="Select multiple files (Max 1000M)";   
        <script type='text/javascript'>   
        function CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnTaskComplete(task)   
            var div=document.createElement("DIV");   
            var link=document.createElement("A");   
            link.innerHTML="You have uploaded file : savefiles/"+task.FileName;   
    Thanks in advance. :)
  •  12-28-2009, 11:15 PM 57961 in reply to 57942

    Re: hooked this up and then it suddenly stopped working

    Dear joyce121187 ,
    Are you sure Silverlight or Flashplayer 10 is installled and enabled  in your browser?
    If you installed two different version IE browser, for example, IE 8 32bit & IE8 64bit in same computer, and install flash player in IE8 32 bit, You will can select multiple files in IE8 32 bit, If you do not install Silverlight or Flashplayer in IE8 64Bit,  you will can not select multiple files in IE8 64Bit.
  •  01-03-2010, 7:04 PM 58017 in reply to 57961

    Re: hooked this up and then it suddenly stopped working

    Yes flash is install in my PC. What is weird is it works then sometimes not.
    I'll try re-installing it and try the uploader again.
    Thanks Eric for the response.
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