Paths on image upload. simple question i hope ?

Last post 12-11-2009, 8:52 AM by Adam. 3 replies.
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  •  12-09-2009, 6:13 AM 57679

    Paths on image upload. simple question i hope ?

    Ive just started using cute editor for php and we have installed to work with cms made simple.
    I have a problem and ask if any one can giev some advice please
    On the site which is not live yet and is on the ip addreess here;
    When i upload an image from the editor it shows as a blank square where it cant find the image. I looked at home page and where the red cross is where it cant find image it shows the path as this 
    but after so looking on server i can see that the image displays as this path
    How do make my cute editor installation upload to a place so i can view siet correctly while developing ?
    thanks in advance for your help and hope some quickl advice can be given
  •  12-09-2009, 11:41 AM 57691 in reply to 57679

    Re: Paths on image upload. simple question i hope ?

    Dear fairlands,
  •  12-09-2009, 2:27 PM 57693 in reply to 57691

    Re: Paths on image upload. simple question i hope ?

    Hello Eric
    Thank you for that link, i am kind of on the right track now ....almost but not quite and woudl realy appreciate some advice on this
    I edited the image gallery path in the security file
    <security name="ImageGalleryPath">/uploads/</security>
    <security name="ImageGalleryPath">/uploads/images</security>
    but when i look on ths page at the link i put in it it doesnt work becuase it misses the domain name
    if i put this url direct in the browser i can see it displays OK
    but with my edied version of the security policy file it shows on site as this link below
    which does not display as it does not have the domain name in the path
    Now I assume that if i changed the path  add the domain name " but that did not work as i assume that it is to do with the siet not yet being live yet.
    So is there a way that i can make the editor work with uploads while im developing a site before it goes live and whikle it has only an ip address ?
    Perhaps there is a simple solution to put in path ? Or if it i simply not possible can you tell me so i dont spend hours keeping trying
    thanks in adbace for your advice
  •  12-11-2009, 8:52 AM 57706 in reply to 57693

    Re: Paths on image upload. simple question i hope ?

    Hello Eric
    Thank you for that link, i am kind of on the right track now ....almost but not quite and woudl realy appreciate some advice on this
    I edited the image gallery path in the security file
    <security name="ImageGalleryPath">/uploads/</security>
    <security name="ImageGalleryPath">/uploads/images</security>
    but when i look on ths page at the link i put in it it doesnt work becuase it misses the domain name
    if i put this url direct in the browser i can see it displays OK
    but with my edied version of the security policy file it shows on site as this link below
    which does not display as it does not have the domain name in the path
    Now I assume that if i changed the path  add the domain name " but that did not work as i assume that it is to do with the siet not yet being live yet.
    So is there a way that i can make the editor work with uploads while im developing a site before it goes live and whikle it has only an ip address ?
    Perhaps there is a simple solution to put in path ? Or if it i simply not possible can you tell me so i dont spend hours keeping trying
    thanks in adbace for your advice
    Please check the following property:
    CuteEditor for PHP 6.4 Class Library

    Editor.BaseHref Property

    Sets or retrieves the baseline URL on which relative links will be based.


    Example Code

             $editor=new CuteEditor();
             $editor->Text="Type here";

             //use $_POST["Editor1"]to catch the data
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
    asp wysiwyg html editor: Image Gallery:
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