Hello Cute team again.
Sorry for my question, but i had spended a lot of time for searching and didn't find anything.
Is there some way to customize flash layer which is drowed over button specified as InsertButtonID in your uploader.
This issue appiers just when i set UploadType='Flash', when UploadType='IFrame' then all is good exept FireFox, which do not show browse dialog direct.
I just wonna to show cursor with 'pointer' style on mouse over lnkButAddNote, and can't do that anyhow....
I am using Flash 10.
Here is sample code:
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkButAddNote" Text="server" runat="server" />
<CuteWebUI:UploaderBase InputboxCSSText="cursor:pointer;" UploadType="Flash" InsertButtonID="lnkButAddNote" ProgressInfoStyle="display:none;" runat="server" ID="filesUploader">
<ValidateOption MaxSizeKB="10000" />