A wierd problem

Last post 09-05-2009, 9:11 AM by Ishmell. 4 replies.
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  •  09-01-2009, 3:01 PM 55262

    A wierd problem

    Hello, I seem to be experiencing a weird problem when using cute for a script im working on.
    Okay so I take an html template code, copy/paste it in the editor while in html view. Like in the screenshot below...
    Then I click normal view and it looks perfect. Soon as I submit it and check out the results it has gone out of wack. Like in the screenshot below...
     Normal View: http://i31.tinypic.com/1126gx3.jpg
    Once Submitted:  http://i27.tinypic.com/30tjptj.jpg
    Im guessing there must be a few things in the html template code that the editor does not support. Its not only causing the html template to go crazy but the sites layout as well.
    I really want to get this fixed because I love the editor.
    The code for the html template is....
    1. <p align="center">  
    2. <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#000000" border="0" background="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-background-1.jpg" align="center" width="864" class="noborder">  
    3.     <tbody>  
    4.         <tr>  
    5.             <td height="217" width="864" colspan="5"><img height="217" width="864" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-banner-1.jpg" alt="" /></td>  
    6.         </tr>  
    7.         <tr>  
    8.             <td width="0"> </td>  
    9.             <td valign="top" bgcolor="#000000" align="middle" width="294">  
    10.             <div align="center"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><img height="17" width="294" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-events.jpg" alt="" /><br />  
    11.             </font></font></font></div>  
    12.             <font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"> </font></font></font>  
    13.             <div align="center"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999">  
    14.             <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" bordercolor="#000000" border="0" width="294" class="NOBORDER">  
    15.                 <tbody>  
    16.                     <tr>  
    17.                         <td bgcolor="#330000"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><font color="#ffffff">+ new event! 12.19.08 :: ( link )</font></font></font></font></font></td>  
    18.                     </tr>  
    19.                     <tr>  
    20.                         <td bgcolor="#330000"><font size="1" color="#666666"> <font color="#ffffff">+ new event! 12.19.08 :: ( link )</font></font></td>  
    21.                     </tr>  
    22.                     <tr>  
    23.                         <td bgcolor="#330000"><font size="1" color="#666666"> <font color="#ffffff">+ new event! 12.19.08 :: ( link )</font></font></td>  
    24.                     </tr>  
    25.                     <tr>  
    26.                         <td bgcolor="#330000"><font size="1" color="#666666"> <font color="#ffffff">+ new event! 12.19.08 :: ( link )</font></font></td>  
    27.                     </tr>  
    28.                     <tr>  
    29.                         <td bgcolor="#330000"><font size="1" color="#666666"> <font color="#ffffff">+ new event! 12.19.08 :: ( link )</font></font></td>  
    30.                     </tr>  
    31.                 </tbody>  
    32.             </table>  
    33.             </font></font></font></div>  
    34.             <font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"> </font></font></font>  
    35.             <div align="center"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><img height="17" width="294" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-partners.jpg" alt="" /></font></font></font></div>  
    36.             <font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"> </font></font></font>  
    37.             <div align="center"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999">  
    38.             <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" bordercolor="#000000" border="0" width="294" class="NOBORDER">  
    39.                 <tbody>  
    40.                     <tr>  
    41.                         <td bgcolor="#330000" align="middle"><font size="1" color="#666666">  
    42.                         <div align="center">  
    43.                         <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" bordercolor="#000000" border="0" background="" align="center" class="NOBORDER">  
    44.                             <tbody>  
    45.                                 <tr>  
    46.                                     <td><a href="http://www.groups.cpnexus.com/gearsofwarthelaststand/"><img border="0" onmouseout="if(!isMouseOver(this,event,300))togglePhotoActionsMenu('hide',true);" onmouseover="if(isMouseOver(this,event,300))togglePhotoActionsMenu('show',true);" galleryimg="no" alt="gears-buttoncopy.jpg picture by ishmell" src="http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f6/ishmell/gears-buttoncopy.jpg?t=1232852237" id="fullImage" /></a></td>  
    47.                                     <td><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><a href="http://www.groups.cpnexus.com/deathnote"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><font size="1"><img height="31" border="0" width="88" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-button.jpg" alt="" /></font></font></font></font></font></a></font></font></font></font></td>  
    48.                                     <td><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><a href="http://www.groups.cpnexus.com/deathnote"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><font size="1"><img height="31" border="0" width="88" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-button.jpg" alt="" /></font></font></font></font></font></a></font></font></font></font></td>  
    49.                                 </tr>  
    50.                                 <tr>  
    51.                                     <td><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><a href="http://www.groups.cpnexus.com/deathnote"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><font size="1"><img height="31" border="0" width="88" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-button.jpg" alt="" /></font></font></font></font></font></a></font></font></font></font></td>  
    52.                                     <td><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><a href="http://www.groups.cpnexus.com/deathnote"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><font size="1"><img height="31" border="0" width="88" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-button.jpg" alt="" /></font></font></font></font></font></a></font></font></font></font></td>  
    53.                                     <td><a href="http://www.groups.cpnexus.com/deathnote"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><font size="1"><img height="31" border="0" width="88" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-button.jpg" alt="" /></font></font></font></font></font></a></td>  
    54.                                 </tr>  
    55.                             </tbody>  
    56.                         </table>  
    57.                         </div>  
    58.                         </font></td>  
    59.                     </tr>  
    60.                 </tbody>  
    61.             </table>  
    62.             </font></font></font></div>  
    63.             <font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"> </font></font></font>  
    64.             <div align="center"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><img height="17" width="294" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-ourlinks.jpg" alt="" /><br />  
    65.             </font></font></font></div>  
    66.             <font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"> </font></font></font>  
    67.             <div align="center"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999">  
    68.             <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" bordercolor="#000000" border="0" width="294" class="NOBORDER">  
    69.                 <tbody>  
    70.                     <tr>  
    71.                         <td bgcolor="#330000" align="middle"><font size="1" color="#666666">  
    72.                         <div align="center">  
    73.                         <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" bordercolor="#000000" border="0" align="center" class="NOBORDER">  
    74.                             <tbody>  
    75.                                 <tr>  
    76.                                     <td><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><a href="http://www.groups.cpnexus.com/deathnote"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><font size="1"><img height="31" border="0" width="88" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-button.jpg" alt="" /></font></font></font></font></font></a></font></font></font></font></td>  
    77.                                     <td><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><a href="http://www.groups.cpnexus.com/deathnote"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#999999"><font size="1" color="#666666"><font size="1"><img height="31" border="0" width="88" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-button.jpg" alt="" /></font></font></font></font></font></a></font></font></font></font></td>  
    78.                                     <td>  
    79.                                     <p align="center"><a href="http://www.groups.cpnexus.com/deathnote"><img height="31" border="0" width="88" src="http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i33/kyo_renai/deathnotebutton.jpg?t=1193503421" alt="deathnotebutton.jpg picture by kyo_renai" /></a></p>  
    80.                                     </td>  
    81.                                 </tr>  
    82.                             </tbody>  
    83.                         </table>  
    84.                         </div>  
    85.                         </font></td>  
    86.                     </tr>  
    87.                 </tbody>  
    88.             </table>  
    89.             </font></font></font></div>  
    90.             </td>  
    91.             <td width="8"> </td>  
    92.             <td valign="top" bgcolor="#000000" align="left" width="557"><font color="#000000"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><font color="#cccc99"><font size="1"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium"><strong><font color="#333333"><font size="1" face="franklin gothic medium" color="#ffffff">  
    93.             <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" bordercolor="#000000" border="0" class="NOBORDER">  
    94.                 <tbody>  
    95.                     <tr>  
    96.                         <td width="600">  
    97.                         <p><img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/2a6pbi0.jpg" alt="http://i40.tinypic.com/2a6pbi0.jpg" /></p>  
    98.                         <p><font color="#ffffff"><font size="1">Crossover And Welcome</font> <font size="1" face="franklin gothic medium">- Sunday, October 05, 12:53 AM</font></font></p>  
    99.                         <p><font size="1" color="#ffffff">Hello everyone, well as some may have noticed the site died out on msn and so I have decided to resurrect it onto Cyberpunk Nexus. I think things will turn out great here for deathnote. For those of you that are new to the site or the series, this is basically giving freedom to roleplayer's to live there life however in the pressance of death notes. If you have not yet seen the show I recomend you do because its truely one of the best anime I have ever seen. I welcome all new roleplayers and any old ones from the msn groups version. Most of the content is the same ill just be scanning over bits, making changes along with adding a few new things. Thats pretty much all I can say at the time. The site will be fully open in a few days so stay tunned, join up. Looking forward to seeing you guys around.<br />  
    100.                         </font></p>  
    101.                         <p align="center"> </p>  
    102.                         <p align="center"> </p>  
    103.                         <p align="center"> </p>  
    104.                         </td>  
    105.                     </tr>  
    106.                 </tbody>  
    107.             </table>  
    108.             </font></font></strong></font></font></font></font></font>  
    109.             <div> </div>  
    110.             </font></font></font></td>  
    111.             <td width="5"> </td>  
    112.         </tr>  
    113.         <tr>  
    114.             <td width="864" colspan="5"><img height="11" width="864" src="http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i254/whitej4/deathnote-footer.jpg" alt="" /></td>  
    115.         </tr>  
    116.     </tbody>  
    117. </table>  
    118. </p> 
     Edit:// After playing with it for a little bit I have come to notice that only external tables will cause this problem. Meaning if the tables for the html layout werent created in the editor but copied into it...it will cause this problem. I need to find a way to fix this...
  •  09-03-2009, 12:05 PM 55360 in reply to 55262

    Re: A wierd problem

    So can anyone help me out?
  •  09-04-2009, 1:59 PM 55383 in reply to 55262

    Re: A wierd problem

    Please try your code in the above example. It  works fine for me.
    Btw, the above html code should be cleaned before you use it.

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  •  09-05-2009, 8:59 AM 55387 in reply to 55383

    Re: A wierd problem

    Yes it looks fine in the editor. But once it gets submitted to sql and called from sql onto a page it looks like that in my screenshots. All screwed up...
  •  09-05-2009, 9:11 AM 55388 in reply to 55387

    Re: A wierd problem

    Well I just figured out the problem. I got to thinking how it wouldn't be the editors fault if it shows fine in it and since it only screws up when submitted it has to be an sql problem. Well to my surprise I found that my sql field size was not big enough that the content was being submitted to. So I increased it and now it works. Thanks for leading me in the right direction...
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