Thanks for the links but this is not quite what I am looking for.
UserFloatToolbar.aspx - Unfortunatly this only unclutters the interface when the user is not activly working with an instance of cuteeditor. It requires that each editable area on my page is displayed as a text box with a fixed height and width (I don't want this, I will " the user a preview of the page..." and will only show a cute-editor instance when the user clicks on that text.
dad.html - I could adapt this (I would replace the text box with static html which when clicked would spawn a cuteeditor in another window (or DHTML popup).
Example JS: (typed by hand, forgive any errors!)
<!-- editor instance -->
<CE:Editor id="ceDynamic" runat="server" EnableStripScriptTags="false" />
<!-- content placeholders -->
<div id="placeholder1" onclick="edit('placeholder1')">editable content 1</div>
<div id="placeholder2" onclick="edit('placeholder2')">editable content 2</div>
function edit(instance)
var placeholder = document.getElementById(instance);
//cache content
var cache = placeholder.innerHTML;
//clear element
placeholder.innerHTML = '';
var dynEdit = document.getElementById('ceDynamic');
//append the text editor instance to the cleared placeholder !!! This seems to remove the event handlers !!!
//set the text of the cuteeditor to the snapshot we took earlier
//set focus to the cuteeditor control