Image Upload Function Does not Work

Last post 04-24-2009, 8:07 PM by cutechat. 2 replies.
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  •  04-24-2009, 8:32 AM 51501

    Image Upload Function Does not Work

    I am using the latest version of the Cute Editor as a control on the administrative pages of my web site.  The web site is hosted by a server inside our LAN.  I have noticed a peculiar phenomenon.  When I attempt to do an image upload (which should result in a browse dialogue coming up, which allows me to browse to an image, select it, then upload it) while accessing my web site OUTSIDE our LAN, the "Upload" button grays out after being clicked, but the browse dialogue never comes up, the "upload" just hangs at that point.  However, if I access my web site from within the LAN and click "Upload" in the insert image dialogue, I get a browse dialogue, can choose an image, and can upload it.  Why would the upload not function when I access the web site outside the LAN?
  •  04-24-2009, 7:42 PM 51529 in reply to 51501

    Re: Image Upload Function Does not Work

    The issue was being caused by a policy in my hardware firewall.  Apparently there is some kind of ZIP file being passed in order to do the upload.  Once I removed the block the upload/browse dialogue worked.  Please consider this issue CLOSED.  Thanks.
    I would like to know why a ZIP file is necessary in the upload/browse process.
  •  04-24-2009, 8:07 PM 51530 in reply to 51529

    Re: Image Upload Function Does not Work

    Thanks for your information.
    The problem is that , the code send the zip file , without 'content-type' header.
    Maybe because that the firewall block it.

    We will improve it soon.
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