IFrame mode under Firefox causes a second browse button to appear.

Last post 11-24-2010, 3:11 AM by pierre. 6 replies.
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  •  04-23-2009, 8:04 AM 51425

    IFrame mode under Firefox causes a second browse button to appear.

    We recently fell foul of the Flash v10 issue whereby the user has to click the AjaxUploader special warning object to browse for files.  This was undesirable, so we switched to IFrame mode.
    If UploadType="IFrame" is set to true, however, you get a 2nd browse button appear beside your originally delegated one.
    To reproduce this, use FireFox and load up the simple-upload.aspx sample.  Be sure to set UploadType="IFrame".
    If you know of any way around this, that would be great. 
  •  04-23-2009, 9:08 AM 51428 in reply to 51425

    Re: IFrame mode under Firefox causes a second browse button to appear.

    because the Firefox don't support inputfile.click() method.
    Please check the ShowFrameBrowseButton , it will render the browse box directly. it may helps.
    For flash 10 issue,  please check this for more : http://cutesoft.net/forums/thread/46461.aspx 
    find the  function CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnMantleButton(button,flashdiv)
    you can change the position by your custom way.
  •  11-18-2010, 12:32 PM 65078 in reply to 51428

    Re: IFrame mode under Firefox causes a second browse button to appear.

    I get some problem with ShowFrameBrowseButton.
    Actually, it works fine at the first load of the page. But if I click the Browse button and select a file, once the file has been uploaded it behaves as if ShowFrameBrowseButton was set to false. Same occurs after an async postback of the page.
  •  11-18-2010, 7:43 PM 65081 in reply to 65078

    Re: IFrame mode under Firefox causes a second browse button to appear.

    Hi pierre,
    Do you get the same issue in the example below? Or just happen on some complex example? If so, please create an example which can reproduce this issue and send it to Kenneth@CuteSoft.net, I will check it and get back to you as soon as possible.
    1. <%@ Page Language="C#" %>  
    3. <%@ Import Namespace="CuteWebUI" %>  
    4. <%@ Register TagPrefix="CuteWebUI" Namespace="CuteWebUI" Assembly="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader" %>  
    5. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">  
    7. <script runat="server">  
    9. </script>  
    11. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">  
    12. <head id="Head1" runat="server">  
    13.     <title>Untitled Page</title>  
    14. </head>  
    15. <body>  
    16.     <form id="form1" runat="server">  
    17.         <div>  
    18.             <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments ID="attachment1" runat="server" ShowFrameBrowseButton="true"  
    19.                 UploadType="iFrame">  
    20.             </CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments>  
    21.         </div>  
    22.     </form>  
    23. </body>  
    24. </html> 
  •  11-19-2010, 4:31 AM 65089 in reply to 65081

    Re: IFrame mode under Firefox causes a second browse button to appear.

    Hi Ken,
    Your sample works fine. In my case, it seems to fail because the control is inside an UpdatePanel. Indeed, if I remove the UpdatePanel, it works fine. Are you aware of some problem using AjaxUploader inside UpdatePanels?
    Another error I get when using IFrame+FireFox+UpdatePanel: sometimes (but not always), I get a javascript error which just state "EMPTY".
  •  11-23-2010, 7:37 PM 65132 in reply to 65089

    Re: IFrame mode under Firefox causes a second browse button to appear.

    Are you using the last version ?
    We have fixed the EMPTY issue for a long time.
  •  11-24-2010, 3:11 AM 65150 in reply to 65132

    Re: IFrame mode under Firefox causes a second browse button to appear.

    Hi Terry,
    You're right. Our version was one year old. I downloaded the last one and the EMPTY alert has disappeared, many thanks.
    The "double browse button" issue is not completely resolved, but it's much better now. Actually, we use the AjaxUploader inside a grid (a control we developped ourselves). And we get the "double browse button" only after a postback, for existing rows. But I'd say it's ok like that.
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