It seems that the TempDirectory property is not working correctly anymore with the latest release (03/17). (eveything was okay with the previous version)
On the dev server, Persisted files are now stored on
C:\Documents and Settings\ServerName\ASPNET.ServerName\Local Settings\Temp\AjaxUploaderTemp , no matter of the TempDirectory value.
Of course that fails on the prod. server, as the AjaxUploader tries to write the persisted files on c:\windows\temp\AjaxUploaderTemp
Error Message: Unable to find the uploaded file in directory: c:\Windows\TEMP\AjaxUploaderTemp
PS: what is quite strange: error does not happen everytime but the persisted are NEVER saved in the TempDirectory folder! (I had the error with almost all browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome))
Any clue??
Thanks in advance