Textarea disabled on first load
Last post 04-12-2009, 10:12 PM by Kenneth. 26 replies.
02-13-2009, 4:34 PM |
Joined on 02-13-2009
Posts 29
Textarea disabled on first load
Hello, I am using CuteEditor in a custom discussion board. I render it on the backend and then push fully rendered html to the browser using a jQuery ajax callback. For the most part it works fine in FF, but in IE the initial load comes up with textarea being disabled. Then if I hide the div that contains CuteEditor and unhide it the textarea becomes enabled. Below is a snapshot of how it looks (if I press cancel, and then show it again it will be fine) Any ideas?
02-13-2009, 8:35 PM |
02-13-2009, 9:06 PM |
Joined on 02-13-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
we are using 6.2 currently.... I will download the latest and try again....
02-13-2009, 9:23 PM |
Joined on 02-13-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
I have just recompiled everything with 6.3 and still the same result.
It happens only in IE and once in a while it will go throught fine, but most of the time the textarea is still disabled.
Any help is greatly appreciated :D
02-16-2009, 11:04 AM |
Joined on 02-13-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
Any ideas on this problem? Thanks
02-16-2009, 12:44 PM |
02-17-2009, 8:47 AM |
Joined on 02-13-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
Thanks Adam, we will try to get a small test package out to you. Another quick question. Now with version 6.3 firefox is acting a bit strange. Im getting "CuteEditoInitialize is not defined" error in firebug, and this time the textarea is loaded as readonly but the toolbox is not loaded at all This is where it happens as per firebug:
function onload(event) { CuteEditoInitialize("CE_ctl0_te_25090000__ctl0_ID", {_ClientID: "CE_ctl0_te_25090000__ctl0_ID", _UniqueID: "_ctl0:te_25090000:_ctl0", _FameID: "CE_ctl0_te_25090000__ctl0_ID_Fame", _ToolBaID: "CE_ctl0_te_25090000__ctl0_ID_ToolBa", _CodeViewToolBaID: "CE_ctl0_te_25090000__ctl0_ID_CodeViewToolBa", _HiddenID: "_ctl0:te_25090000:_ctl0", _StateID: "_ctl0:te_25090000:_ctl0:ClientState", _PostBackHandleID: "_ctl0:te_25090000:_ctl0:PostBackHandle", _TemplateUl: "/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEdito/Template.aspx?Refee=http%3a%2f%2fqa-vcaiu%2fContols%2fDiscussionBoad2%2fDiscussionBoadSevice.asmx%2fGetDBMessageEditoHtml", Cultue: "en-US", Theme: "Office2003", ResouceDi: "/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEdito", ActiveTab: "Edit", ContextMenuMode: "Default", MaxHTMLLength: "0", MaxTextLength: "0", TabSpaces: "3", ResizeStep: "100", BeakElement: "Div", URLType: "Default", EmptyAltenateText: "FoceAdd", SeveName: "qa-vcaiu", RendeRichDopDown: "Tue", EditoOnPaste: "PasteWod", ResizeMode: "None", DNNAg: "", PostBackScipt: "__doPostBack('_ctl0:te_25090000:_ctl0:PostBackHandle','')", HelpPath: "/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEdito/Help/default.htm", DOCTYPE: "", BaseHef: "", EditoBodyStyle: "", EditoBodyId: "", EditoBodyClass: "", EditoSetting: "!3wEWAgUFZW4tdXMFAyRhMWTp8UDftO4oE3Vv8q!1EI9GlH!3VZ", ToggleBode: "1", EnableBowseContextMenu: "1", ConvetHTMLTagstoLowecase: "1", EnableAntiSpamEmailEncode: "1", EnableStipSciptTags: "1", AllowPasteHtml: "1", UseHTMLEntities: "1", EncodeHiddenValue: "1", EnableObjectResizing: "1", MaintainAspectRatioWhenDaggingImage: "1"}); } Any ideas on this? To me it looks like a javascript timing issue actually for both the ie problem and this.... is there a way to maybe have all js needed preloaded somehow on the page? Again, Im sure this is probly because the html for the cuteeditor control is being fully rendered on the server and then pushed over a callback using jquery. Thanks, Oleg
02-17-2009, 4:15 PM |
02-25-2009, 12:03 PM |
Joined on 02-13-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
Ok, I've just send the sample to you guys.... please let me know if you were able to reproduce what I've described. Thanks, Oleg
02-26-2009, 2:23 PM |
Joined on 02-13-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
Any luck with this issue? don't mean to rush just wanted to know the progress :D Thanks,
03-09-2009, 9:38 AM |
03-09-2009, 11:27 AM |
Joined on 03-09-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
I checked the sample that Oleg sent and it fails on my computer as well. I am using IE 7.0.5... and also Firefox 3.0.7. Are you following the instructions in the email for testing? Below is an image of the failed load in IE.
03-11-2009, 2:56 PM |
03-11-2009, 11:16 PM |
Joined on 02-13-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
Unfortunately, we are stuck with the doctype we are using... it does look like a height issue sometimes now that I think about it, how do we modify the height of textarea after html load? Thanks, Oleg
03-12-2009, 3:52 AM |
Joined on 03-12-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
Hello, We have a similar issue, which only applies to FireFox (or at least not to Internet Explorer).
When we browse to our .ASPX containing CuteEditor, the following scenario sometimes happens:
1. The textarea shows the text then quickly hides it.
2. When trying to interact with the editor, the following error message appears: Command 'Bold' Error : Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument.execCommand] The JavaScript error generated is: Ox16c is null http://XXX/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=scripts&file=Gecko_Loader Line 5
Any clue where to start investigating?
Best regards, Christian
03-12-2009, 12:15 PM |
03-12-2009, 12:17 PM |
03-12-2009, 2:48 PM |
Joined on 03-09-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
Below is a screenshot of the js errors that are produced on the 1st load of the control. Subsequent loads do not produce any js errors.
03-13-2009, 3:19 AM |
Joined on 03-12-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
Hello Adam, We have tried both version 6.2 and 6.3 with the same results. The editor is not hidden in any way. I realize this is a difficult issue since we don't know how to reproduce the error. Only thing we know for sure it has something to do with the Gecko implementation.
I should probably also mention the edit window gets disabled and you cannot select/edit it.
03-27-2009, 2:09 PM |
Joined on 02-13-2009
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Re: Textarea disabled on first load
Our Solution was to put the following code in Page_Init: Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("CuteEditorConstant", "/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Scripts/Constant.js") Dim LoaderName As String Select Case Request.Browser.Browser Case "IE" LoaderName = "IE_Loader" Case "Firefox" LoaderName = "Gecko_Loader" Case "AppleMAC-Safari" 'Apple MAC Safari or Google Chrome LoaderName = "Safari_Loader" Case "Opera" LoaderName = "Opera_Loader" Case Else LoaderName = "IE_Loader" End Select Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("CuteEditorLoader", "/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Scripts/" & LoaderName & "/Loader.js") This will preload the needed files.... but now we are having a issue with Firefox2.0 and older. It shows the textarea as readonly. Adam, I am going to send you a sample of this. Thanks, Oleg
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