Login attempts & operator name

Last post 03-02-2009, 1:17 PM by Joshl77. 2 replies.
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  •  02-24-2009, 5:51 PM 49204

    Login attempts & operator name

     - Is there a way to limit the number of attempts an individual can make when trying to log into the operator client? (E.g., lock the account after 3 failed attempts.)
     - Is it possible for the user ID an agent uses when signing into the operator client to be different from the name that displays when they are chatting with a customer?
    Any info is greatly appreciate!
  •  02-26-2009, 3:09 AM 49263 in reply to 49204

    Re: Login attempts & operator name

    Hi Joshl77,
    - Is there a way to limit the number of attempts an individual can make when trying to log into the operator client? (E.g., lock the account after 3 failed attempts.)
    you can tyr this way:
     Open your chat provide find this method:
    agent log in every time, this method will be executed once
    public override bool ValidateUser(string loginName, string pwd)
                //Setting a value,Each failed to increase 1(You can put it into the database)
               //do a check
               //When this value is equal 3
    - Is it possible for the user ID an agent uses when signing into the operator client to be different from the name that displays when they are chatting with a customer?
    For now, we do not provide this feature in LiveSupport client
  •  03-02-2009, 1:17 PM 49404 in reply to 49263

    Re: Login attempts & operator name

    Thank you for the response! I'll give it a try and let you know my results.
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