Il works !! Thank's a lot.
I think "UploadType="Auto" is good for "best" view experience but "UploadType="IFrame" for plugin independance.
I'll use IFrame but I'm sill interested in silvertlight debug.
I'm going to buy it now. Ajaxuploader is realy a good product with a very reactive support.
In an other post I mentionned a problem with visibility during creation time of ajaxuploader.
More advance investigation show me that the problem was the same with the use of Multiview/View.
While waiting you find a solution, I find an other way.
Instead of using Visible attribute or Multiview, it's possible to use simple panels with CssClass(es) "Visible" or "Insivible". Programatically changing this CssClass emulate a Visible attribute or the use of a Multiview.
"Visible" and "Invisible" CSS class beeing for example :
Yes. it's a little "makeshift job" but it works well with Ajaxuploader. Hope this can help.
Best regards