Firefox SearchSelectionElement for embed or object

Last post 11-05-2008, 10:53 AM by AndyFel. 3 replies.
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  •  10-29-2008, 10:10 AM 45183

    Firefox SearchSelectionElement for embed or object

    We are trying to make it easier for our users to alter existing flash videos in HTML by creating a GUI that when clicked will show the current selected flashvideo and parameters and allow them to change them.
    I have this working fine in IE, but when trying it in Firefox i have a problem.
    I have a line

    var em = ed.SearchSelectionElement('EMBED');

    In IE this finds the embed no problem and allows me to extract and update the params, but in firefox it doesnt find anything. On further investigation it appears its because in Normal view all flash stuff is shown as a graphic (cetempFlash). When i use code to get the selection I get this graphic not the <embed> i was expecting. Do you have a function that can get at the correct code? You obviously somehow link this graphic to the correct HTML, because when you switch to the HTML view you see the HTML you are expecting i.e. <embed>........</embed>.
    So in Firefox is there a function that gets the selected flash object and not the representative image?
  •  11-03-2008, 5:09 AM 45318 in reply to 45183

    Re: Firefox SearchSelectionElement for embed or object

    Is there any way of extracting the selected embed tag in firefox? (see above)
  •  11-05-2008, 10:53 AM 45426 in reply to 45422

    Re: Firefox SearchSelectionElement for embed or object

    Still doesnt help much. I am aware of all those examples as have already made many popups that suck out info from editor and repopulate afterwards. All work fine in IE and firefox, its just this embed/object I am having problems with.
    When I get the selected HTML for the flash object it returns (in firefox)
    <img class="cetempFlash" id="0" src="" style="border: 1px dotted rgb(0, 0, 0); background-image: url(/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/images/flash32.gif); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: rgb(192, 192, 192);" height="300" width="400">
    Not the relevant embed/object html. I cant just do a search thru the html for the object because there could be many on the page. I see no way of relating the returned image html with the selected object.
    You obviously manage it somehow, because when you goto html view, the object html is shown correctly. Also when you select it and delete it the relevant html disappears too.
    Soooo how do you identify that this image is with the relevant object html?
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