Small Business License

Last post 11-03-2008, 4:41 PM by Karen. 3 replies.
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  •  11-01-2008, 8:37 PM 45292

    Small Business License

    I have a home-based business developing websites for other small businesses in my area. Over the course of the year, I might develop websites for 5-8 different local compaines.
    So far, I have been hosting my sites with Each business that I develop for has their own account and their own domain name.
    For the sites that I am currently working on (I have about 6 on the go) I would like them to have a simple CMS system that uses CuteEditor.
    Can I purchase the Small Business License and then use 1 of the licences for each of the companies that I am working for. If, I can do this then 6 licences would be gone and I would have 4 left. After they are gone I would have to buy another 10.
    For the type of work that I am doing, do I need the Developer License. Does this give the ability to Develop on my home-based machine and then upload the sites to for each company/account/domain name.
    Thanks, John
  •  11-03-2008, 2:26 PM 45338 in reply to 45332

    Re: Small Business License

    Karen, thanks that was an excellent explaination. I do have a couple of further questions:
    1. Is it possible to purchase more licences above the 10. For instance when I have the 10 done can I purchase 3 more at an incremental price. If so, what would the price be? OR do I have buy another 10 licences (in other buy in groups of 10).
    2. Can you do a similar explaination of how the Developer's license would work for this example: A developer uses his Developer licence and uses it to develop 15 sites for 15 individual companies. Each company has their own account at a hosting site and their own domain name.
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