firefox issue - div and span error - a bug?

Last post 08-18-2008, 3:22 PM by seppo. 2 replies.
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  •  08-18-2008, 1:55 PM 43026

    firefox issue - div and span error - a bug?

    My client called me a while ago, telling that her site was looking odd with firefox. When I went to see it, I saw that part of the text she had written there did not keep inside box it was intended. When I looked at sourcecode, i realized that there was mistake with span and div taks - they closed in different order than they opened. When I corrected it by hand it was ok again. However since this was code generated by CuteEditor, I thought to write about it here. 
    A copy paste of code where it happened, look at the red parts:
    <div><span style="font-size: 8pt">Olen&nbsp;<a href="">tästä</a> genrestä blogitellut aiemminkin. <br />
    <br />
    Mutta kun <strong>tuli taas tehtyä huomioita</strong> niin ei voi mitään. <em>Taas tulee.</em> En pysty pidättämään, vaikka kuinka pinnistäisin...<br />
    This was the issue in 2 different parts of the text..
  •  08-18-2008, 2:00 PM 43029 in reply to 43026

    Re: firefox issue - div and span error - a bug?

    Can you try the following example?
    If you can reproduce this issue here, please show me the steps.
    If you cann't, please download the latest version. Chat
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  •  08-18-2008, 3:22 PM 43030 in reply to 43029

    Re: firefox issue - div and span error - a bug?

    Thank you for prompt answer! Unfortunately I canot reproduce the issue - at least not yet - since I was not the writer of the text that produced the error. I will try to track it down further if it reappears..
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