GetLogonIdentity constantly firing

Last post 06-03-2008, 11:22 AM by cutechat. 3 replies.
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  •  05-28-2008, 10:09 PM 40867

    GetLogonIdentity constantly firing

    I have integrated my DB - following largely from the example that was packaged with Cute Web Messenger.
    With the web messenger - the application is constantly firing the function:
    Public Overloads Overrides Function GetLogonIdentity() As AppChatIdentity
    Is it supposed to do this?  If it isn't, what would be calling it, and how can i get it to stop.
  •  05-29-2008, 8:37 PM 40913 in reply to 40867

    Re: GetLogonIdentity constantly firing

    Hi, you need follow the example, the example contains the code for the GetLogonIdentity
    And so you can use HttpContext.Current to get the logon user info ,
    such as context.Identity.User.Name , or custom cookie context.Response.Cookies["User"]
    and then return the new AppChatIdentity()
    Regards ,  Terry.
  •  05-30-2008, 7:00 AM 40931 in reply to 40913

    Re: GetLogonIdentity constantly firing

    i have done this.  I can login, and it works.  I can see it checking the function, returning values, etc. 
    I just didn't know if it was always supposed to fire, or just fire once.  Which is it?
    If it is only supposed to fire once, What is the method looking for to prevent it from continuing to fire.  A correct "AppChatIdentity"? Naturally, i thought i had given it one.
  •  06-03-2008, 11:22 AM 41048 in reply to 40931

    Re: GetLogonIdentity constantly firing

    Hi Richard,
    That function would be called by every ajax request.
    Because the CuteChat need to know which user have logon ,
    and that function implementation provider the info.
    Regards , Terry .
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