the following is working for everything except the InsertTable icon does not appear:
$editor->TemplateItemList="G_start,Save, Print, Find, ToFullPage, FromFullPage, CleanCode, netspell, seperator, Cut, Copy, Paste, PasteText, PasteWord, Delete, seperator, Undo, Redo, G_end,
G_Start, ToggleBorder, BringForward, BringBackward, DocumentPropertyPage, ImageGalleryByBrowsing, InsertImage, G_end,
G_Start, InsertTable, InsertRowTop, InsertRowBottom, DeleteRow, seperator, InsertColumnLeft, InsertColumnRight, DeleteColumn, seperator, InsertCell, DeleteCell, EditRow, EditCell, seperator, MergeRight, MergeBottom, seperator, HorSplitCell, VerSplitCell, , G_end,
G_start, Bold, Italic, Underline, JustifyLeft, JustifyCenter, JustifyRight, JustifyFull, JustifyNone, RemoveFormat, ForeColor, BackColor, Seperator, InsertOrderedList, InsertUnorderedList, Seperator, Indent, Outdent, Subscript, Superscript, Strikethrough, Ucase, Lcase, seperator, InsertHorizontalRule, seperator, InsertLink, Unlink, seperator, SelectAll, SelectNone, G_end,
G_Start, Break, InsertDate, InsertTime, InsertChars, InsertEmotion, G_end,
G_start, FormatBlock, FontName, FontSize, Zoom, G_End";
Any ideas?
Thank you,
Ed Arthur