how will the ASP code of Editor be embedded inside the <textarea> tags?

Last post 01-28-2005, 3:24 PM by tonyz. 4 replies.
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  •  09-30-2004, 8:39 AM 1953

    how will the ASP code of Editor be embedded inside the <textarea> tags?

    1- Can you please show me an example of how your code <%    %> is linked to a specific textarea of a form? (assuming this FormField writes back to a memo database field for example).

    2- I have a shared hosting, does ANYTHING need to be INSTALLED on the server?
    3- I develop my single site on a local server and upload my files, will the WebSite License ($50) be suitable for me?
    thanks for replying asap,
  •  09-30-2004, 11:06 AM 1957 in reply to 1953

    Re: how will the ASP code of Editor be embedded inside the <textarea> tags?

    Hi FF1user,
    1- Can you please show me an example of how your code <%    %> is linked to a specific textarea of a form? (assuming this FormField writes back to a memo database field for example).
    For example, you have a regular textarea:

    <form name="theForm" action="Get_HtmlContent.asp" method="post" ID="Form1">

        <textarea name="Editor2_HTMLContent" ROWS=3 COLS=30>


    Now you want to replace your Textarea to a web based WYSIWYG HTML editor.
    <form name="theForm" action="Get_HtmlContent.asp" method="post" ID="Form1">


            Dim editor

            Set editor = New CuteEditor

               editor.ID = "Editor1"

               editor.Text = content

               eitor.FilesPath = "/ASP/CuteEditor_Files"

               editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/Uploads"

               editor.MaxImageSize = 50

               editor.Height = 240




    2- I have a shared hosting, does ANYTHING need to be INSTALLED on the server?
    No, this is a pure script application. There is nothing needed to installed on the server. All you need to do is copying the script to your server.
    3- I develop my single site on a local server and upload my files, will the WebSite License ($50) be suitable for me?
    Yes, that's enough for a single site.
    Keep me posted
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  •  10-02-2004, 5:37 AM 1982 in reply to 1957

    Re: how will the ASP code of Editor be embedded inside the <textarea> tags?

    regarding question 1, I tied what you suggest and similarly to the code inside todatabase.asp but it did not work. Do we have to use the SAVE button of your editor or can we use our own Form button?

    Where can I find some proper documentation and example about writing to the database....
  •  01-27-2005, 7:40 PM 3759 in reply to 1957

    Re: how will the ASP code of Editor be embedded inside the <textarea> tags?

     Adam wrote:



    Now you want to replace your Textarea to a web based WYSIWYG HTML editor.


            Dim editor

            Set editor = New CuteEditor

               editor.ID = "Editor1"

               editor.Text = content

               eitor.FilesPath = "/ASP/CuteEditor_Files"

               editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/Uploads"

               editor.MaxImageSize = 50

               editor.Height = 240



    In the textarea example the content of the textarea is passed to the form handler in the formfield name of "Editor2_HTMLcontent".  By what formfield name is the content of CuteEditor in teh second example passed to the form handler?
    I want to include CuteEditor as a replacement for a textarea box on an existing form. The data submitted by the form is further processed and manipulated by the form processor and I am trying to understand how the form processor will identify that editor content.
  •  01-28-2005, 3:24 PM 3778 in reply to 3759

    Re: how will the ASP code of Editor be embedded inside the <textarea> tags?

    OK. I purchased the product and everything I needed to know was in there.
    It's easy to get going once you have all the material and a couple more examples.
    Great tool.

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