Dynamic content in a template

Last post 02-11-2008, 1:01 PM by renman. 3 replies.
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  •  02-05-2008, 10:35 AM 36798

    Dynamic content in a template

    I am trying to generate a mailing label sheet ,like an Avery product from my application.
    I have a query that pulls the list of names from the database and a template that I have developed.
    What I want to do is dynamically populate the template inside the Cute Editor.  Is this possible?  Has anyone done this before?
    I know about using the LoadHTML method but that only appears to load static page information.  I have tried loading the page in asp then calling it from the LoadHTML method but no dynamic data appears.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  •  02-06-2008, 9:03 AM 36811 in reply to 36798

    Re: Dynamic content in a template

    I am guessing that since no one replied from Cutesoft that what I want to do is not possible????  Any help would be greatly appreciated.....Rudy
  •  02-07-2008, 4:08 AM 36839 in reply to 36798

    Re: Dynamic content in a template

    I am trying to generate a mailing label sheet ,like an Avery product from my application.
    I have a query that pulls the list of names from the database and a template that I have developed.
    What I want to do is dynamically populate the template inside the Cute Editor.  Is this possible?  Has anyone done this before?
    I know about using the LoadHTML method but that only appears to load static page information.  I have tried loading the page in asp then calling it from the LoadHTML method but no dynamic data appears.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Please try the following solution:
    1. Load your template into a string.
    2. Replace the those dynamica content.
    3. Pass this new string to cute Editor.

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  •  02-11-2008, 1:01 PM 36957 in reply to 36839

    Re: Dynamic content in a template

    Great idea...works like a charm...If anyone wants info on this please let me know.  I already have the template setup and saved.
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