I'm using CuteEditor ASP and finally got the insert image-window to work, thanks to other posts in this forum.
But one thing I don't find solution to is this:
I push the insert button and the imagegallery window opens. I can choose a picture to the left and it show to the right.
But there is no upload browse button? So I can't upload any images.
Now I'm testing the Cuteeditor locally on my computer with IIS and WinXP pro.
I've set permission to the IUSR_account, all permissions to the folder "uploads" except for complete access.
I've deactivated script blocking in Norton Antivirus (because the insert image-window wouldn't appear if this was on)
These are the variables I use for my editor:
Dim editor2
Set editor2 = New CuteEditor
editor2.ID = "Editor2"
editor2.Text = newsField
editor2.FilesPath = "editor/CuteEditor_Files"
editor2.ImageGalleryPath = "/uploads"
editor2.DocumentPath= "/uploads"
editor2.AllowUpload = true
editor2.MaxImageSize = 50
editor2.Width = 500
editor2.Height = 300
editor2.AutoConfigure = "mytemplate"
mytemplate is my own template with gallery button, save and other buttons
This is the window that appear when I click the insert image button
(I use Swedish language)
How can I get the upload browse to show?