Cuteedit create different HTML under IE and FF, which causes some problem, any idea?

Last post 12-09-2007, 6:54 PM by Adam. 3 replies.
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  •  12-09-2007, 3:48 AM 35732

    Cuteedit create different HTML under IE and FF, which causes some problem, any idea?

      I am using Cuteeditor to let user put in email body, but I found the same html source I get somewhere, after edit in cuteeditor on IE, the email will be treated as spam on Outlook 2007, while I do the same thing under FF, the email doesn't be treated as spam.
      I compared the result, and found after I paste my html source code in cuteeditor, and switch to design mode and back to HTML mode, the html changes a lot under IE, but under FF, it keeps the original strcture very well.
      I can not figure out how outlook judge which is spam email, but I think a well-formed html is better.
    Does anyone know anything about this?
  •  12-09-2007, 10:45 AM 35734 in reply to 35732

    Re: Cuteedit create different HTML under IE and FF, which causes some problem, any idea?

    Please set the following property ton false then try again.

    Editor.EnableAntiSpamEmailEncoder Property

    Email contact links are an invaluable part of any web page. However, they are also vulnerable to a particular type of web robot known as the spam harvester or spambot. A spam harvester can read through the pages in your site and extract email addresses which are then added to bulk marketing databases. CuteEditor allows you reduce possible spam by 'disguising' a raw email address in an encoded ASCII form.. You can turn this feature off by setting this property to "false". Chat
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  •  12-09-2007, 1:44 PM 35736 in reply to 35734

    Re: Cuteedit create different HTML under IE and FF, which causes some problem, any idea?

     There is no email address in the email content, I compared what I get under IE and FF, it seems just some CSS format, I tried to change the html bit by bit and send to my outlook, I didn't find a clear pattern, but there are around 10 style="font-size: 11pt;" in my html, on FF it stays that way, but on IE it changes to style="font-size: 11pt" , no semi-colon.
     So I get the html that works from FF, and start to change style="font-size: 11pt;" to style="font-size: 11pt" , one at one time. I did find when I did that on the fifth tag, the email was dumped to junk email, while before that, all were in InBox
      I could not find how outlook filter, I do know HtmlEditor give different result because the difference between IE DOM and FF DOM. But I can not ask my clients to use FF to edit email so it can be handled better by outlook, what a shame!
      Any suggestion?
  •  12-09-2007, 6:54 PM 35739 in reply to 35732

    Re: Cuteedit create different HTML under IE and FF, which causes some problem, any idea?

    >>I compared the result, and found after I paste my html source code in cuteeditor, and switch to design mode and back to HTML mode, the html changes a lot under IE
    Can you send a code example to
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