contact list does not sync every time user signs on

Last post 11-29-2007, 12:24 PM by cutechat. 10 replies.
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  •  10-30-2007, 3:47 PM 34723

    contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    We purchased a developer license for the Messenger about a month ago.
    It seems that the contact list does not sync every time a user signs on. How can I force this to happen?
    Basically we are forcing a user's contact list to populate with the name of every other registered user. Let's say a new user registers while I am offline. When I sign on, they do not show up immediately because my contact list has not been synced since before that new user registered.
    This is causing quite a pain. Any help?
  •  10-30-2007, 3:57 PM 34724 in reply to 34723

    Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    Actually, the contact list is not updating, even though the ContactSyncTime field in the CuteChatUser table shows an updated time.
    For instance... if I'm User1. I am logged out. My last ContactSyncTime was 10:00am.
    A new User2 registers and is automatically added to my contact list (in the CuteChatRelation table).
    I sign back in ten minutes later. My ContactSyncTime now changes to 10:10am. However, User2 does not show up in my contacts list yet in the messenger, even though they are a FRIEND in the CuteChatRelation table.
  •  11-06-2007, 1:56 PM 34851 in reply to 34724

    Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    Come on Adam.. anyone.. if someone pays nearly $2,000 for a product they deserve a little suport. How about a reply?
  •  11-06-2007, 8:42 PM 34864 in reply to 34723

    Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    Hello , I think you are insert the data into database directly , Aren't you ?
    If so , please use this method instead :
    The sync function is for another usage.
    Regards , Terry .
  •  11-07-2007, 3:03 PM 34888 in reply to 34864

    Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    Thanks for the reply Terry.

  •  11-28-2007, 3:28 PM 35494 in reply to 34888

    Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    Terry... Anyone..

    *Note - this is not the brand new version. It is the slightly older version that we purchased about 2-3 months ago.

    It seems as if the messenger component never even queries the CuteChatRelation table. The CuteChatRelation table has hundreds of relationships (contact/friend) properly set up. However, the online and offline contact list is blank when a user signs in.

    Just to see what happens, I deleted the CuteChatRelation table. To my surprise, I could still log in fine. I expected an error. Of course the contact list was still blank. I recreated the table and re-added the proper relationships, and they still do not show up.

    Can you tell me where the contact list syncs from?

    what does the CuteSoft.Chat.ChatApi.AddContact() function do, exactly? Is there something more than just adding the data in the CuteChatRelation table? Is this API function available in the slightly older version that we purchased?

    I have made so many changes to the messenger that I really don't have time to upgrade to the newest version right now.

  •  11-29-2007, 12:08 AM 35501 in reply to 35494

    Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    The CuteChat3 only load the CuteChatRelation table once when it started.
    So when you modify the table when the CuteChat3 running , the CuteChat3 would not know and would not load the data again.
    Use the ChatApi , the CuteChat3 would know what you want to do exactly.
    Regards , Terry.
  •  11-29-2007, 9:39 AM 35510 in reply to 35501

    Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    Thanks for the reply.
    It seems like I'm getting some advice from you now that conflicts some advice I was given a few months ago by support.
    Quick summary of what I need to do: I want a user's contact list to consist of every other user in the CuteChatUser table.  In other words, if I have 6 registered users, they should all automaticalyl appear in each other's contact list.
    In reality, we have many more users (hundreds even). Rather than execute 100 update functions to create new relationships, I was told I can just change the CuteChatRelation table to be a View instead of a Table. I created a view that simply consists of a cross join of all the existing users.
    I don't mind getting rid of the View and going back to a table if necessary, but how can I easily & practically make sure a user's contact list consists of all other contacts?
    This is pretty disappointing. I was told my View would work fine, then we spent nearly $2000 on the product, and now find out that this isn't the case.
  •  11-29-2007, 11:34 AM 35520 in reply to 35510

    Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    I think you are this condition :
    1. you have an application .
    2. the application have it own user table, and friend table.
    3. you want to the data from the friend table automatically display into the Messenger.
    I suggest you upgrate to CuteChat4 .
    Because this product is much faster for IM and would not make your server too busy if the users start chat.
    And the CuteChat4 would support more for your case .
    If you want to choose CuteChat4 or continue use CuteChat3 , please tell me.
    I will help you integrate your friend table .
    Regard, Terry.
  •  11-29-2007, 12:07 PM 35524 in reply to 35520

    Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    I would like to continue using CuteChat3. When we purchased this, we weren't even aware a CuteChat4 was in production. We spent all of our time customizing Cutechat3 (removing buttons & features we did not want users to have access to, etc).  We do not have time right now to do this again in CuteChat4.
    If you can help me resolve the issue in 3, since this is what we purchased and intended to use, we would very much appreciate it.
  •  11-29-2007, 12:24 PM 35527 in reply to 35524

    Re: contact list does not sync every time user signs on

    I have send you a private message.
    Please check it and contact me using MSN.
    Regards , Terry .
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