Problem with ISA Server

Last post 10-25-2007, 7:25 AM by PrincenGroup. 4 replies.
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  •  10-08-2007, 8:28 AM 34079

    Problem with ISA Server

    Sorry for crossposting but this matter is getting urgent.
    A customer of ours has got a problem with the editor.
    The images in the text editor wont show.
    After we looked into this issue and could not find anything out of the ordinary he did some investigating of his own and came up with the cause of the problem. (see attached image)
    That customer uses an ISA server to connect to the internet, and in the logs of that ISA server theres a log that states that the request was refused.
    Our problem now is that this server can not be configured to let these packets pass.
    So im hoping there is something that can be done on the side of Cutesoft.
    Failed Connection Attempt
    Log type: Web Proxy (Forward)
    Status: 13 The data is invalid.
    Rule: All
    Source: Internal (REPLACED)
    Destination: External (www.REPLACEDURL REPLACEDIP:80)
    Filter information: Req ID: 0838b100; Compression: client=No, server=Yes, compress rate=0% decompress rate=0%
    Protocol: http
    User: anonymous

    Additional information:

    1. Client agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)
    2. Object source: Internet (Source is the Internet. Object was added to the cache.)
    3. Cache info: 0x14 (Request includes one of these headers: CACHE-CONTROL:NO-CACHE or PRAGMA:NO-CACHE. Request includes the VIA header.)
    4. Processing time: 156 MIME type:
    If he checks somewhere else to see if it works there all is fine...
    Im looking into this matter now hoping to find a way to fix this issue becasue i would hate to downgrade to the last version that doesnt have this behaviour.
    Best regards,
    Joël Kuijten
    Princen Group.
  •  10-08-2007, 3:57 PM 34117 in reply to 34079

    Re: Problem with ISA Server

    Can you let this client try this following example again?
    Keep me posted Chat
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
    asp wysiwyg html editor: Image Gallery:
    Live Support:

  •  10-15-2007, 3:13 AM 34277 in reply to 34117

    Re: Problem with ISA Server

    Hello Adam,
    The screenshot i attached is from that page.
    I asked the client to check that page and send me a screenshot.
    Princen Group
  •  10-15-2007, 3:33 PM 34303 in reply to 34277

    Re: Problem with ISA Server

    I'm using ISA server without problems.
    My guess is that Web Chaining settings may cause your problems. I'm using "Retrieve requests directly", but if you use redirect to proxy settings, this may cause problems. I have not tested this, but referring to your error message this could be the problem.
    Could redirecting through the proxy cause problems with ajax functionality?
  •  10-25-2007, 7:25 AM 34588 in reply to 34303

    Re: Problem with ISA Server

    Tnx for the replies!
    The problem is fixed now.
    Seemed to be a combined problem with compression and web forwarding.
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