"TextChanged" event is not fired

Last post 09-07-2007, 2:29 AM by ChrisD. 5 replies.
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  •  05-16-2007, 12:40 PM 29725

    "TextChanged" event is not fired

    It seems that "TextChanged" event is not being fired after text in the Cute Editor control has changed. Here is the code I'm using to wireup the event:
    #region Web Form Designer generated code
    override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)
       // CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer.
    private void InitializeComponent()
       YUIEditor.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler(YUIEditor_TextChanged);
       YUIEditor.StateChanged += new CuteEditor.EditorStateChangedEventHandler(YUIEditor_StateChanged);
       this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);
    private void YUIEditor_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
       // code
    private void YUIEditor_StateChanged(object sender, CuteEditor.EditorStateChangedEventArgs e)
       // code
    "StateChanged" event fires successfully, but "TextChanged" does not.
  •  05-18-2007, 5:15 PM 29821 in reply to 29725

    Re: "TextChanged" event is not fired

    Hello Adam,
    I was wondering if you could confirm whether this is an issue with Cute Editor or I'm doing something wrong.
    This event would be very useful for my code.
    I'm using "CuteEditor.dll" v6.0.0.0 (CuteEditor 6.0 Build 2007-05-10)
    Thank you
  •  06-06-2007, 1:09 AM 30418 in reply to 29821

    Re: "TextChanged" event is not fired

    I am also having the same / similar problem where it looks like I am not getting the textchanged event raised. I am upgrading from the previous version of cute editor where the text changed event was being raised.
    It would be good to confirm if this is on the fix list and when we might be looking at a resolution or if there is a work around.
  •  09-06-2007, 7:18 AM 33298 in reply to 30418

    Re: "TextChanged" event is not fired

    I too am experiencing this error, and would like to know what I can do as a workaround whilst the problem is being fixed.
  •  09-06-2007, 9:13 AM 33302 in reply to 33298

    Re: "TextChanged" event is not fired

    Please download the latest build.
    This issue is resolved.
    Keep me posted

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  •  09-07-2007, 2:29 AM 33362 in reply to 33302

    Re: "TextChanged" event is not fired

    Thanks Adam, that's done the trick
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