is there some opposite of 'DisableItemList'

Last post 02-06-2004, 5:06 AM by sgilboy. 4 replies.
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  •  02-02-2004, 5:27 PM 290

    is there some opposite of 'DisableItemList'

    if there a way to programmically add buttons instead of just removing them?



  •  02-02-2004, 5:57 PM 291 in reply to 290

    Re: is there some opposite of 'DisableItemList'

    ack, sorry for the random thoughts, trying to keep all the questions together so they are answered easier



    where is this very editor i am typing in right now does it know to do a <br> instead of <p></p> when i hit enter?  i don't see any documentation on this toggle in the chm file



    is there ability to add/delete the available "smilies"?



    After removing many-a-buttons, the dividers still show (screenshot), any way to get rid of them?



    Interested in a little bit of script to do "impersonation" so file-permission issues become non-existant?  if a simple:

    if  Impersonate(user,domain,pass) {

        //do something in context of user with write permissions



    //back to "normal" anonymous user


  •  02-02-2004, 6:11 PM 292 in reply to 291

    Re: is there some opposite of 'DisableItemList'

    (wish i could just edit posts, lol)



    Gallery shows hidden FrontPage folders, maybe a future override to ignore folders starting with "_"?

  •  02-06-2004, 12:31 AM 307 in reply to 291

    Re: is there some opposite of 'DisableItemList'

    The <p> insert on enter is common to all html wysiwyg editors.


    You can always add/remove smilies by creating a custom button, displaying your own smilies container.


    If you use the .Template method to specify the layout, you specify where to put dividers into the toolbar.


    The following code add a button programmaticly:

        System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image ImageIngressCleanupCode = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image ();
        ImageIngressCleanupCode.ToolTip = "Fjern Word kode";
        ImageIngressCleanupCode.ImageUrl = "../images/cleanup.gif";
        ImageIngressCleanupCode.CssClass = "button";

    Then add the button to the toolbar:





  •  02-06-2004, 5:06 AM 311 in reply to 307

    Re: is there some opposite of 'DisableItemList'

    "The <p> insert on enter is common to all html wysiwyg editors"

    i am aware of that, but this WYSIWYG editor box that i am typing this very second to make this reply in doesn't insert a <p></p> tags, its doing a break tag, i can tell because its doing the same thing as hitting Control-Enter..... editors such as FreeTextBox allow you to set that mode, and i'd assume since this one is doing it, that it is possible


    "You can always add/remove smilies by creating a custom button, displaying your own smilies containerYou can always add/remove smilies by creating a custom button, displaying your own smilies container"

    yeah, that's a possibility, but i was asking if there is an easy way... i am not sure how the code works so maybe Adam could elaborate a little or even say "its not possible unless you tear it down and do it custom"


    "If you use the .Template method to specify the layout, you specify where to put dividers into the toolbar"

    i wasn't asking how to specify on where the dividers are/were, i was asking how to remove them.. this one is all right anyways, i figured out a good method to getting around seeing ||||||| on my editor


    thanks anyways

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