Editting more than one htm page using edithtml.asp

Last post 04-17-2007, 7:06 AM by uk192. 5 replies.
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  •  12-24-2006, 5:30 PM 25324

    Editting more than one htm page using edithtml.asp

    I can see how this edits the page document.html.
    What I want to achieve is to be able to open a number of different htm files from a specific folder and edit them using this editor?

    Does some sort of file manager exist to achieve this.
  •  12-26-2006, 1:06 PM 25343 in reply to 25324

    Re: Editting more than one htm page using edithtml.asp

    Yes, you need to find/write a file manager to list files.
    You can use browse_Template.asp file as a refercence to write your own.

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  •  12-30-2006, 9:11 AM 25449 in reply to 25343

    Re: Editting more than one htm page using edithtml.asp

    I already have a file manager for a simple online web editor.
    It lists all the files in a specific folder, and I can I can edit each htm page in that folder.
    I have added a link to my existing file manager.
    Could you take a look and advise if I could use the same file manager with Cutesoft editor.
    1) go to www.demo3.uk192.com to see the example site.
    2) go to www.demo3.uk192.com/login to access the back office. (username demo3 - password admin)
    3) click on "edit web pages" this list all of the htm files in a folder called "editablepages"
    4) click on the file you wish to edit, and 3 new icons will appear at the top of the page.
    5) click on the first of the 3 new icons and the htm page will be opend in our simple web editor.
    To see this in all its glory click on the link at the top called "web management"
    Then click on "Create Web Pages"
    Where it says "new filename" type in "adam" and click on "create"
    This will create two files, one in the root called "adam.asp" and one in the editablepages folder called "adam.htm"
    The file "adam.asp" is generated from a template file and it adds an include statement for "adam.htm"
    You can now edit the page content via the htm file without worrying about changing the corporate layout.
  •  12-30-2006, 2:36 PM 25452 in reply to 25343

    Re: Editting more than one htm page using edithtml.asp

    Does anybody have any answer to this question?
    If you have then  I am happy to give this file manager suite to CuteSoft to give to anybody else to use.
  •  01-02-2007, 4:48 PM 25475 in reply to 25452

    Re: Editting more than one htm page using edithtml.asp

    This is cool uk192, we offer the same services and same goals with our CMS/file manager suite !

    The only diffrence is that my system does not edit real HTML FILES, the web pages are 100% DATA DRIVEN, but only by adding the editor.SaveFile function will do what you ask for...
    To view my platform or test it:
    Customer website: http://www.webloft.ca/deluxetel 
    CMS : http://www.webloft.ca To log in: ceuser@webloft.ca password: ceuser

    Note: please do not erase or overwrite content. The CMS/control panel is in FRENCH, sorry!!

    When logged in, on the left menu click on PAGES WEB, after click on the HOME page to edit it. Ho ya... from there, you can also see my CE ASP vs CSS PROBLEM via the thread http://cutesoft.net/forums/thread/25214.aspx
    Ok uk192... now it is your turn... To give you the possibilitie to edit your HTML PAGES via your platform with CE, do something like this...

    You will have to create a new page to replace your /webeditor/file_edit.asp and your code will look like this;
    <!-- #include file = "editeur5_2/include_CuteEditor.asp" -->
       Dim editor
       Set editor = New CuteEditor
       editor.ID = "HTML_CONTENT"
       editor.Text = HTML_CONTENT
       editor.FilesPath = "editeur5_2"
       editor.FullPageOnLoad = true 

       editor.LoadHTML("/" & myFolderName & "/" & request("file")) ' load existing html file from path
       editor.SaveFile("/" & myFolderName & "/" & request("file")) ' save it or create a new file named...
    With the editor.SaveFile, it will overwrite or create (if does not exist) the file in the folder, this built-in CE function can gives  fowerfull options in your web apps!! Note that the folder must have a "read/write" permission.

    Et voilà uk192!

    Note: I really loved your Form Manager module, hope you will leave the demo username and password active, I love analyse project like that, it is a good way to give us new horizons and tips and I hope webloft will also help you!


  •  04-17-2007, 7:06 AM 28482 in reply to 25475

    Re: Editting more than one htm page using edithtml.asp

    Hello again, its Wayne from www.uk192.com
    How as your trip a while ago?
    Are you ready to start some projects with us yet?
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