Cute Chat 3.1 Questions Since Purchasing

Last post 02-28-2007, 11:36 AM by Megabyte. 2 replies.
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  •  02-28-2007, 9:54 AM 27028

    Cute Chat 3.1 Questions Since Purchasing

    Dear Support,

    I have a few questions I hope you can answer for me!

    I’ve created some Chatrooms, however they “appear” to be ordered by ID number. Is there anyway to order them in anyway I would like?

    On the Member List and Who’s Online list, the default administrator account “admin” is displayed. In my opinion this is a potential security risk and administrators should not be displayed whatsoever. What do you think about this? And can I hide the admin account being displayed?

    When users Register, they are not required to enter an e-mail address. Is there anyway to make it mandatory to specify an e-mail address?

    This also leads me onto my next question – if a user forgets their password, how can they retrieve it? On my forum and my store, users have the ability to recover passwords themselves by entering their e-mail address.

    Is there anyway to disable sounds by default?
    Many thanks
  •  02-28-2007, 10:45 AM 27030 in reply to 27028

    Re: Cute Chat 3.1 Questions Since Purchasing

    >>I’ve created some Chatrooms, however they “appear” to be ordered by ID number. Is there anyway to order them in anyway I would like?
    It's possible.  In the standalone project, you can find chat.aspx.
    In the following code, we get all chat rooms from DB and databind it to a control. You can modify it to meet your requirements.
       ArrayList lobbies=new ArrayList();
        foreach(CuteChatLobby lobby in ChatApi.GetLobbyArray())
        this.DataList_Lobbies.DataSource = lobbies;
    >>On the Member List and Who’s Online list, the default administrator account “admin” is displayed. In my opinion this is a potential security risk and administrators should not be displayed whatsoever. What do you think about this? And can I hide the admin account being displayed?
    You can hide the admin from the list as the standalone project is an open source project.
    >>When users Register, they are not required to enter an e-mail address. Is there anyway to make it mandatory to specify an e-mail address?
    Please modify the open source project to meet your requirements. You can just add/remove as many fields as you want.
    >>Is there anyway to disable sounds by default?
    Please open ChatUI.js.aspx file and find the following code:
    function ChatUI_GetEnableSound()
     var v=GetCookie("CCNoSound");
      return false;
     return true;  //default allow sound..
    and change it to:
    function ChatUI_GetEnableSound()
     var v=GetCookie("CCNoSound");
      return false;
     return false;  //default not allow sound..
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  •  02-28-2007, 11:36 AM 27031 in reply to 27030

    Re: Cute Chat 3.1 Questions Since Purchasing

    Thanks Adam
    All I would like is for Chatrooms to be organised alphabetically. Could you tell me (a non programmer) how to edit the code accordingly? It makes sense this should be CuteChat's default as standard.
    I find it surprising that the admin account is displayed at all. This is a poorly thought out design and it means a hacker must only guess the password, as the username is being given away. What's to stop me guessing CuteChat's own demo password? I already have the username...
    So as users don't specify an e-mail when becoming a member, what happens in the event a user forgets their password? There is no automatic password retrieval system. It seems to be a missing feature of CuteChat...
    I look forward to your reply.
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