Pasting issue and background color.

Last post 02-01-2007, 9:57 AM by ckincincy. 3 replies.
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  •  02-01-2007, 7:28 AM 26332

    Pasting issue and background color.

    I want to enable plain text pasting (not HTML) and stop the editor from showing.

    I can't find the right combination of settings for this.

    Also, how do I change the color of the text area?

  •  02-01-2007, 8:13 AM 26333 in reply to 26332

    Re: Pasting issue and background color.

    Some follow up info.

    Here is my code:
    txtMessage.EditorOnPaste = CuteEditor.PasteBehavior.PasteText;
                txtMessage.ShowBottomBar = false;
                txtMessage.AutoConfigure = CuteEditor.AutoConfigure.Minimal;
                txtMessage.BackColor = Color.FromA#d1dcff;
                txtMessage.ForeColor = Color.FromA#d1dcff;
                txtMessage.AllowPasteHtml = false;
                txtMessage.FilesPath = "../../CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor";
                txtMessage.BorderColor = Color.Transparent;
                txtMessage.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;

    But you can see what I'm seeing when I paste, why am I getting this pop up on FireFox. Is there a way to disable this pop up window.  I don't get it in IE, it just paste the text into the box after I click yes to allow pasting.


  •  02-01-2007, 8:55 AM 26334 in reply to 26333

    Re: Pasting issue and background color.

    When you choose PasteText option, Cute Editor should convert the pasted HTML code to pure Text. In IE, we can get data from clipboard data and clean it. In Firefox, we have to use a dialog to get pasted HTML.
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  •  02-01-2007, 9:57 AM 26338 in reply to 26334

    Re: Pasting issue and background color.

    Will the pending version 6 have a 'fix' for the pop up issue?
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