Issues while pasting and issues with doubleline

Last post 12-04-2006, 12:15 AM by suja. 2 replies.
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  •  12-01-2006, 7:56 AM 24772

    Issues while pasting and issues with doubleline

    While a line of text is entered and the "bold" button is clicked and if the "Enter" button is pressed, two new lines are getting created. If a line of text is entered and then "Enter" button is pressed(without clicking "bold" button), a single new line is getting created.
    If we are doing the copy-paste, the pasted text is getting the format of the last character.
    Welcome - the word which is copied
    Welcome - the word which is getting pasted.
    These are all happening in the default page(which is available in the download) only if the "EditorWysiwygModeCss" property of the cuteeditor is removed or if we try to use our own css files. i hope we can use our own css files for the cuteeditor.
    Thanks in advance.
  •  12-01-2006, 3:03 PM 24789 in reply to 24772

    Re: Issues while pasting and issues with doubleline

    Can you post the HTML code for double line and single line? I am confused. Maybe it's caused by CSS setting.
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  •  12-04-2006, 12:15 AM 24823 in reply to 24789

    Re: Issues while pasting and issues with doubleline

    I'm giving the steps to reproduce that.
    I have just removed the "EditorWysiwygModeCss="../example.css"" in the default page.
    Now the cuteeditor will be
    <CE:Editor id="Editor1" runat="server"></CE:Editor>
    Then run the default page
    1. Type "Welcome" in the cuteeditor.
    2. Click the "Bold" button.
    3. Press "Enter" key.
    4. Double line will be created.
    5. Type "Welcome" in the cuteeditor.
    The output will be
    Now include the "EditorWysiwygModeCss="../example.css"" in the default page.
    Now the cuteeditor will be
    <CE:Editor id="Editor1" EditorWysiwygModeCss="../example.css" runat="server"></CE:Editor>
    Then run the default page
    1. Type "Welcome" in the cuteeditor.
    2. Click the "Bold" button.
    3. Press "Enter" key.
    4. Single line will be created.
    5. Type "Welcome" in the cuteeditor.
    The output will be
    The html code is same for both the situation
    <p>Welcome</p> <p><strong>Welcome</strong></p>
    While the  "EditorWysiwygModeCss="../example.css"" is not included, the pasted word is also getting the format of the last character as mentioned in the previous post.
    Please, reply as soon as possible.

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