Some more problems

Last post 11-27-2006, 1:20 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  11-26-2006, 3:22 PM 24563

    Some more problems

    CuteEditor is not correctly showing strikethrough, superscript, etc. as selected/deselected after selecting/deselecting them, and won't allow delete under certain circumstances.
    For example,
    1. Type a word on a new row,
    2. Click the strikethrough button. It does not show as selected (but it should).
    3. Continue typing another few words. The strikethrough button still doesn't show as selected.
    4. Press backspace and the button will appear as selected.
    5. Without doing anything else and with the cursor still positioned at the end of the row, select the whole row (press Shift/Home) and try to delete it by pressing [Delete]. It won't delete.
    Another example:
    1. Type a word on a new row,
    2. Click the strikethrough button. It does not show as selected (but it should).
    3. Continue typing another few words. The strikethrough button still doesn't show as selected.
    4. Click the superscript button and note that the strikethrough button displays, but the superscript button does not.
    5. Type another couple of words then click the subscript button. The superscript button now displays, but not the subscript, so you have the strikethrough and superscript buttons displaying.
    6. Now try to deselect the strikethrough button. The subscript button then displays, but the strikethrough button won't show as deselected but when you type, strikethrough is not working.
    When can you fix these problems?
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