New Issue Version 5.x BaseHostname

Last post 11-09-2006, 7:28 PM by lundrigan. 3 replies.
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  •  11-05-2006, 11:45 PM 24047

    New Issue Version 5.x BaseHostname

    I am attempting to use the basehostname property.  I have it set to  editor.basehref = "http://" & request.servervariables("HTTP_HOST") & "/accounts/" & Session("Username") & "/"

    however when I view the html in the editor it is using the real hostname.
    I also have set
    I am atempting to have the end-user edit from one standard instance of Cuteeditor. I have to set the basehref becuase the editor url is different than the final website url.  When the page loads it should load with this base url if the url is not already absolute.  I have to then do a replace upon submission into a DB to store the correct absolute  url.   Most of this is done so that the cute-editor will show the pictures correctly in the editor. 
    This was working for me in version 4 so I am not exactly sure what has changed.
    Any help would be appreciated.  It is late and hopefully this makes some sense.
  •  11-08-2006, 8:15 AM 24132 in reply to 24047

    Re: New Issue Version 5.x BaseHostname

    is it possible to get some help with this issue? 
  •  11-08-2006, 10:45 PM 24178 in reply to 24047

    Re: New Issue Version 5.x BaseHostname

  •  11-09-2006, 7:28 PM 24229 in reply to 24178

    Re: New Issue Version 5.x BaseHostname

    One other quick thing for the next small release.  The two Insert Image items read exactly the same. From an end-user perspective it would be nice if the tool-tip for the Gallery was Image Gallery or something along those lines.
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