Img alt tags and script names are changed to lower case

Last post 09-09-2006, 11:38 AM by janytt. 1 replies.
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  •  09-09-2006, 11:35 AM 22562

    Img alt tags and script names are changed to lower case

    I discovered that the editor changes the text in the tags before saving. <img alt="This is A Test"... would be changed to "This is a test". Of course if you write a persons name in the alt="" it doesn't appear very professional with all lower case letters.
    Script names are also changed the same way. In Javascript the result would of course be that the browser doesn't run the script because ThisIsAScript is totally different from thisisascript which is the result after the editor convert the text. This isn't a big problem as long as you know that it happens. The workaround is of course to use all lowercase letters in all scriptnames, but for the image alt tags, I don't know how to avoid it? Is there any way to stop the editor from changing it all to lower case?
  •  09-09-2006, 11:38 AM 22563 in reply to 22562

    Re: Img alt tags and script names are changed to lower case

    I saw that darias raised the same question, about the alt tags and read the reply. Probably they will also look at the script commands that also changes to lower case?
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