Installation problems

Last post 10-23-2004, 11:18 AM by cutechat. 4 replies.
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  •  10-21-2004, 8:07 PM 2179

    Installation problems

    First sorry by my English...
    I downloaded and installed evaluation version in my computer (XP + IIS) and it works fine. But, when I try to install on remote server (server who host my page)  always returns the same error page: "Server error in aplication '/'" (I translate from spanish version and I don't know if in english version is so). Host have a "Virtual Server". Offers me create DSN's to connect to databases. Installation program seems that don't allow connect to database by ODBC. Someone have an idea? I'm tryed a lot of things but always send me the same error.
    P.D.: I can't upload files to my ftp server. Installation program always returns me an error (I've tryed from some computers and always appears the error). I always upload by other program. Thks!
  •  10-22-2004, 2:47 AM 2181 in reply to 2179

    Re: Installation problems

    Could you post more exception details ? the stack trace ?

    Regards , Terry .
  •  10-22-2004, 4:46 AM 2183 in reply to 2181

    Re: Installation problems

    Debugger don't show any stack trace.
    I change attribute "mode" to "Off" of web.config's tag "customErrors"
    (I believe I must change it to see errors) but always returns me the same message.
    "Server error in aplication '/'" "Runtime error". Nothing more.
    Installation program register any DLL or object? I copy all files manually then, installation program, don't register nothing into server...
    Any DLL or object is necessary?
  •  10-22-2004, 9:26 AM 2187 in reply to 2183

    Re: Installation problems

    This is the debugger error: (sorry, is in spanish)

    Error de configuración

    Descripción: Error durante el procesamiento de un archivo de configuración requerido para dar servicio a esta solicitud. Revise los detalles de error específicos siguientes y modifique el archivo de configuración en consecuencia.

    Mensaje de error del analizador: No se puede utilizar esta sección de configuración en esta ruta de acceso. Ocurre cuando el administrador del sitio bloquea el acceso a esta sección utilizando <location allowOverride="false"> de un archivo de configuración heredado.

    Error de código fuente:

    Línea 29:   </appSettings>
    Línea 30:   <system.web>
    Línea 31:     <identity impersonate="true" />
    Línea 32:     <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" />
    Línea 33:     <customErrors mode="Off" />

    Archivo de origen: xxxxxxxxxxxx    Línea: 31

  •  10-23-2004, 11:18 AM 2199 in reply to 2187

    Re: Installation problems

    isma :

        Please remove that section . Your host server do not allow the <identity impersonate="true" />
        Please reply if you still have problem .
    Regards , Terry .
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