Thanks for the quick reply.
I do not have XHTMLOutput set to true and the demo site does not display the problem. Any idea you have would be appreciated. I would hate to have to go back to 5.1.
Thanks, Joe
My settings are as follows:
Dim editor, classArray
Set editor = New CuteEditor
editor.ID = fieldName
editor.Text = FieldValue
editor.FilesPath = "/CuteEditor_Files"
editor.ImageGalleryPath = imageVirtual
editor.MaxImageSize = 500
editor.RemoveServerNamesFromUrl = true
editor.FlashGalleryPath = imageVirtual
editor.CustomAddons = "<img title=""Doubleknot Links""
class=""CuteEditorButton"" onclick=""createLinkHelper1()"" type=""btn""
src='/CuteEditor_Files/images/DKLink.gif' hspace=2 border=0 />"
editor.AutoConfigure = "DKNOT_Full_noform"
editor.TemplateGalleryPath = tempDir
editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = GetOrgStyleSheets(theCurrentOrg) & ",/javamenu/v3/blackBody.css"
editor.Width = boxWidth
editor.Height = boxHeight