"Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
Last post 11-29-2006, 4:43 PM by EvilJohnius. 40 replies.
08-04-2006, 10:56 PM |
08-05-2006, 2:45 AM |
Joined on 10-25-2005
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
Oh.. I just don't get it-
The downloaded dll worked for the localhost on both my local CS2 install (of my remote site), and the "stock" CS2 I tried earlier- both with/without "medium trust" in the web.config ... but still does not work for remote install.
I completely deleted the entire CuteSoft_Client folder.. and replaced with the local. Also replaced all the remote dlls from local, global asax, web.config.. still the same errors as originally noted.
I understand that my host (Crystaltech), as most, uses a "modified Medium Trust" which is Medium with a couple exceptions, which is, in fact, less strict than me adding the Medium Trust element to my local web.config... true? So I wouldn't think that were the problem.. but I don't know.
I am totally stumped. I can't figure anything else that could be different 
08-06-2006, 4:42 PM |
Joined on 10-25-2005
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
To verify the prior posts results and ensure this wasn't due to something in my particular CS-
- I created a new CS 2/Asp.Net 2.0 website (local and remote) and new database (remote). The app functions as expected.
- I applied the CuteChat 3.1 install to local (and sql to remote DB)... Local works as expected.
- I added the Medium Trust element to the local Web.config.. the local website/CuteChat fails with aforementioned errors.
- I replaced the 3.1 dll with the dll downloaded from above post.. local/CuteChat functions as expected (web.config/Medium)
- I removed the Medium Trust from web.config and uploaded/applied local CuteChat to remote... remote fails.
The following is CT's words about trust:
To protect our shared environment, we have set the CAS Level to Custom. The custom setting is basically medium level with some exceptions including ODBC, OLEDB, sockets, Reflection Permissions and Web Permissions. This setting cannot be overridden.
Here are the permissions granted by the medium trust level:
Medium Permissions are limited to what the application can access within the directory structure of the application. No file access is permitted outside of the application's virtual directory hierarchy. Can access SQL Server Can send email by using SMTP servers Limited rights to certain common environment variables No reflection permissions whatsoever No sockets permission To access Web resources, you must explicitly add endpoint 'URLs' - either in the originUrl attribute of the
element or inside the policy file.
The following exceptions have been granted in addition to the ones listed above:
ODBC OLEDB Reflection Permissions Web Permission
What to do?
08-07-2006, 10:24 AM |
Joined on 10-25-2005
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
My site was moved to a Full Trust server.
I still get the same errors!
08-07-2006, 11:58 AM |
08-08-2006, 1:45 PM |
Joined on 07-22-2004
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
aeromed :
Can you send me a mail ? to cutechat @ cutesoft.net , I will send you a dll that compiled in vs2005 .
Regards , Terry .
08-08-2006, 2:08 PM |
Joined on 10-25-2005
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
I've sent you an email.. thanks!!
08-08-2006, 2:40 PM |
Joined on 10-25-2005
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
The supplied DLL still fails on Remote/Medium Trust ("stock/default" test install of CS2)
but now works on Remote/Full Trust.. ("my" developing CS2 app which was moved to Full Trust server)
Also, I'm getting "trial license expired", which, the licenses downloaded aren't more than a week old.
08-08-2006, 2:47 PM |
08-08-2006, 3:17 PM |
Joined on 10-25-2005
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
Thanks for supplying that temp license...
As it stands, per the downloaded dll, CuteChat works in Full Trust but not Medium, on Crystaltech's shared servers. Is this unique to CT's Asp.net 2.0 config or are others/hosts experiencing this? I'd asked for a copy of their machine.config to duplicate thier Medium/Custom on my local machine. No surprise.. I got a no.
Don't know if needed to you guys, but if you wanted to supply a .pdb, I could upload and pass on the specific errors.. or could just give you temp FTP access to the site.
08-22-2006, 3:55 PM |
08-26-2006, 1:34 PM |
Joined on 10-25-2005
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
I'll try it.
However... my host has moved my site to full-trust server, so I won't be able to verify, at this time, if it works on remote.
I'm sure CT does use a customized Medium Trust.. but, don't most all hosts?
I'll be testing this further.
Thanks.. D
09-08-2006, 2:58 PM |
Joined on 09-08-2006
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
Hi, this is Alec Whittington from CrystalTech Web Hosting. I wanted to clarify a few things as I stumbled upon this post. First off, when it comes to CAS, I am the guy at CT that determines what settings to use and to test them out. I am not sure who you contacted for a copy of the config, but the request was never given to me. We have provided several customers with a copy of this so they can work with 3rd party vendors, Ryan from InstantAsp.co.uk can verify this.
As far as our CAS level goes, we use a modified version of Medium Trust, ours is actually less restrictive than a true Medium Trust. No, I repeat NO, hosting company could run the Medium Trust config out of the box. By default this config dis-allows Web Services, Sockets, and Remoting. These are all commonly used in shared web hosting. A quick test to see if your host is running a true Medium Trust environment is to write a quick web service and then try to use it on the host. If it does not fail, they are using a Modified Medium Trust.
If you are having issues, please feel free to contact me directly awhittington @NOSPAM@ crystaltech.com. I will provide what assistance that I can.
09-08-2006, 3:25 PM |
Joined on 10-25-2005
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
Hi Alec,
I appreciate your comments. For your ref, I'm forwarding, to you, the communication I had with CT Support about this. In addition to asking about aquiring a copy of CTs machine.config, sometime ago, I did ask a couple times within this (forwarding) dialogue.
Just to update this thread- I haven't been able to try CuteSoft's chat on CT's Medium Trust shared server, lately, as the space I was testing on was a client's undeveloped space. As mentioned, my app that I hope to use the chat in, is now on Full Trust server.
09-21-2006, 4:28 PM |
Joined on 09-15-2006
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
I had this exact problem.
I bought cute chat a month ago.
I went the the url you game in your post and recreated the cute chat using the files in framework 2.0.
It worked great this morning.Right after I created it. but I just checked on it and it giving me all kinds of problem.
Do I need a new licence file after I get the newest version. Or is the licence for the domain only.
09-21-2006, 5:38 PM |
Joined on 09-15-2006
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
Just to follow up on my last post, these are the errors messages that I'm getting.
I'm not getting them in development server just in the live server.
09-21-2006, 6:54 PM |
Joined on 09-15-2006
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
Nevermind about the error messages.
I coppied the following files from development to the live server and it started to work again.
But when I was coppying them I noticed that they had the exact same date modified and same size.
If its stops working again I think it has to be related to the licence. isn't that how your licence works. The code starts out working and then stops working.
09-21-2006, 8:57 PM |
Joined on 09-15-2006
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Re: "Operation could destabilize the runtime".. Medium Trust?
Shoots, exactly 2 1/2 hour after install and it stopped working again.
I check with Karen and she said my licence key is good and should work.
I just copied those same 3 files I mentioned in my last post and again it works.
Probably for 2 1/2 hours.
What if I go to my older version and change the Medium Trust to High trust would that work.
What do I do just change
<trust level="Medium" />
to <trust level="High" />
Does it matter that there is a CuteMessenger.lic in my bin folder.
09-21-2006, 10:38 PM |
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