Insert Image path and problem with upgrading

Last post 04-19-2006, 8:10 AM by gsvkus. 2 replies.
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  •  04-12-2006, 8:11 AM 18144

    Insert Image path and problem with upgrading

      I have upgraded CuteEditor to 5.0. And it is giving an error saying that PageProperties Tag cannot recognize. So I removed PageProperties tag from my HTMl code, written with CuteEditor 4 version. If I remove it, CuteEditor text area is not visible and toolbar is displaying at vertically at center position.
      And one more thing is, i am Inserting Image thru Insert Image command on Toolbar to my WebServer application's folder. If I change the path to a different folder which is not in the application it is giving error. Can I give the insert images path to a different folder which is actuall a different server all together like FileServer of our application.
  •  04-12-2006, 4:30 PM 18171 in reply to 18144

    Re: Insert Image path and problem with upgrading

    >>  I have upgraded CuteEditor to 5.0. And it is giving an error saying that PageProperties Tag cannot recognize. So I removed PageProperties tag from my HTMl code, written with CuteEditor 4 version. If I remove it, CuteEditor text area is not visible and toolbar is displaying at vertically at center position.
    Can you post your code? Please note that when upgrading from version 4.x to 5.2, you need to replace the CuteEditor.dll and all the client files.
    >>And one more thing is, i am Inserting Image thru Insert Image command on Toolbar to my WebServer application's folder. If I change the path to a different folder which is not in the application it is giving error. Can I give the insert images path to a different folder which is actuall a different server all together like FileServer of our application.
    For the ImageGalleryPath, Cute Editor support the following format:
    //use the app-based path
    Editor1.Setting["security:ImageGalleryPath"]= "~/uploads";

    //use the absolute path
    Editor1.Setting["security:ImageGalleryPath"]= "/uploads";

    //use the physical path . Please note that this physical path must under your application folder.
    Editor1.Setting["security:ImageGalleryPath"]= @"c:\inetpub\wwwroot\uploads";
    The following formats are invalid:
    //CuteEditor can't set the ImageGallerypath in the remote sites.
    ditor1.Setting["security:ImageGalleryPath"]= "";
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  •  04-19-2006, 8:10 AM 18332 in reply to 18171

    Re: Insert Image path and problem with upgrading

              for the folder(upload) we have to give websharing.  i mean to say that we have to create virtual directory other else it gives me error. when i click on upload. Its very urgent for me. Can u help me.
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