Error on empty database field

Last post 03-22-2006, 5:16 PM by gottwald. 4 replies.
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  •  03-22-2006, 8:02 AM 17448

    Error on empty database field

    So far so good, Cute Editor is running well.
    However: when I try to display a edit a record which has an empty field (NULL) exactle in the filed to be edited with Cute Editor, Cute Editors crashes and does not display the rest of the page.
    I know how to work around, but is there any setting in CuteEditor to select, so that this does not happen in the first place?

    Volker Gottwald
  •  03-22-2006, 11:13 AM 17453 in reply to 17448

    Re: Error on empty database field

    Open the include_CuteEditor.asp.
    Change the following code:
    Public Property Let Text(initialText)
      s_Text = initialText
     End Property

    Public Property Let Text(initialText)
      s_Text = initialText & ""
    End Property Chat
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  •  03-22-2006, 12:12 PM 17455 in reply to 17453

    Re: Error on empty database field

    it works now
    Question on this include file:
    I have this same file many times in all the webs I am using CuteEditor.
    I have not been successul to only have it once and include it from there for all the webs.
    How does this work?

    Volker Gottwald
  •  03-22-2006, 12:36 PM 17457 in reply to 17455

    Re: Error on empty database field

    For example, your cuteeditor files path is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CuteEditor_files:
    1. In site A, you create a virtual directory CE_fiiles and point it to the above location.
    in your editor setting, you need to set editor.FilesPath = "/CE_fiiles" 
    2. In site B, you create a virtual directory CE_fiiles and point it to the above location.
    in your editor setting, you need to set editor.FilesPath = "/CE_fiiles"
    3. In site C, you create a virtual directory CE_fiiles and point it to the above location.
    in your editor setting, you need to set editor.FilesPath = "/CE_fiiles"

    That will resolve your problem. Chat
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  •  03-22-2006, 5:16 PM 17476 in reply to 17457

    Re: Error on empty database field

    thanks for trying to help.
    But this does not resolve the include problem
    I have created the virtual directory "cute_editor" pointing to the cuteeditor_files directory.
    In the beginning of the file I have the include for include_CuteEditor.asp
    <!-- #include file = "include_CuteEditor.asp" -->
    This command works as long as the file to be included is in the same directory as the file with ths line of code.
    When I change the line to
    <!-- #include file = "/include_CuteEditor.asp" -->
    or <!-- #include file = "../include_CuteEditor.asp" --> or <!-- #include file = "../cute_editor/include_CuteEditor.asp" -->
    the file is not found ...
    My editor.FilesPath = "/cute_editor"
    The cuteEditor is displayed, however the contents of the database field is not -- and the field name is correct. And I can not write anything into the field. The cursor is not accepted.

    Volker Gottwald
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